In a dramatic press release, chemtrails expert Will Thomas claims that an anonymous interview obtained by a freelance reporter proves that the US government is engaging in a massive weather modification effort using US Air Force tankers that are spraying particulate matter over wide areas at high altitude.

Thomas reports that an FAS official in charge of air traffic control over the northeastern U.S. has confirmed that there is an ongoing military operation taking place in our skies. The air traffic controller, whom Thomas calls ?Deep Sky,? gave freelance reporter S.T. Brendt an interview in which she claims she was told at least 4 times to reroute commercial airplanes around military aircraft that were taking part in a secret operation over the northeastern more

I’m worried about the chemtrails issue. There is an element of hysteria appearing in some of the letters and stories I am seeing about this, and I think that we need to be very clear about what is and isn’t known for certain. Nobody is sure that chemtrails are even a real thing. That must not be forgotten.

There are three levels of evidence. The first is the strange contrails themselves. The second is the fact that Edward Teller, who is a very powerful scientist, has suggested that hazing the upper atmosphere would be a ‘quick fix’ for global warming.

For the full journal entry, click here.

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This story appeared in the January 25, 2001 edition of UFO Roundup (Vol. 6 no. 4) It is especially interesting in view of the fact that it has been revealed in the Robert Hanssen spy investigation that the FBI has been using tunnels under the Russian Embassy in the same immediate area as the tunnels described in this article. Thanks to UFO Roundup for permission to publish. In January, Hillary Rodham Clinton vacated the premises at the White House, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. But the former First Lady turned Senator from New York state still has a home in the District of Columbia.
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UFO Roundup editor Joseph Trainor offers this fascinating story of legendary tunnels under the Washington, D.C. neighborhood where Hillary Clinton has bought a home. What is so interesting about all this is that the FBI has recently revealed that it was using a tunnel under the Russian embassy as a listening post…but nobody ever mentioned who built the tunnel. For the full insight article click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more