California’s Silicon Valley’s tech gurus are famous for their technical problem-solving skills, but as we’ve all experienced, sometimes there’s a ghost in the machine, that particular gremlin that no amount of tech support seems to exorcise. But tech companies know who to call, and it’s a specialist with a seemingly unlikely skillset…
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There is almost no sane, truthful information in the general media about modern Wicca and its deities, so this week we delve deeply into the story of the Celtic Goddess Brigid, mother, daughter, healer, warrior, goddess of magic. We talk to Courtney Weber, priestess, author, activist and practicing witch in New York City. You can find her on and
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Just an excuse for bad government – A prominent GOP candidate got into hot water recently for confessing an early dabbling in Wicca. Today, the Salem witch trials stand for bad government leaders overstepping boundaries, McCarthyism and Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible,” but the story hasn’t always had the same meaning throughout history.

Historian Gretchen Adams says the phrase “witch trials” had a different political rhetoric and meaning to Americans in the 1800s than it does to most people today. She says, “We think of the Salem witch trials now as a story of poor leadership and abuse of the government’s investigative powers. In the 19th century, people thought of it as a tale of mass hysteria and going back to the ways of the Old World.”
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