and others DON’T – We have long wondered why some people are “chosen” to encounter the Visitors, while others?who are often in the same room, same car or even the same BED?somehow do not see them. Scientists may have solved this puzzle.

Shortly after Communion was published, a psychologist sent a questionnaire to a group of people who had communicated with us (we did not give him their addresses but sent out the questionnaire ourselves). It consisted of a list of questions, one of which was “Were you sexually abused as a child?” A statistically large percentage of these people responded to this question with “yes.”
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Was there a Welsh Roswell in 1974? More witnesses are coming forward all the time.

In January of that year there were mysterious lights in the sky, followed by a temor. When locals ran from their houses, fearing something had crashed, they saw bright light coming from the side of a nearby mountain. Some witnesses even say they saw a craft on the gound that was pulsating red and orange.

BBC News quotes witness Geraint Edwards as saying, “It was definitely a flying saucer. It was a pity I didn’t have a camera because it was there for at least 10 minutes, just hovering?When it took off, it just went like lightning on the same line as it hovered.”

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This time in Greece – Cops spot a large number of the UFOs that are reported and so do pilots. (In the subscriber section right now, you can see incredible videos of UFOs flying over Mexico). This was certainly the case in Greece a year ago (which has only recently been reported) when two military jets were scrambled to try to intercept a mysterious craft that a Olympic Airlines pilot reported.

In UFO Digest, Michael Cohen repeats the following (translated) cockpit conversation between the pilot and air traffic control:

Pilot: “Olympic 266, tower are you receiving me?”

Tower: “Go ahead.”

Pilot: “Is another airplane flying near me?”

Tower: “Negative, why?”
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Cops! – A British policeman has compiled a file of over 300 UFO sightings by cops in the UK for the last 6 years, although he has reports of UFO sightings going back as far as 1980. We have received lots of Communion letters from police and Linda Howe talks about many police sightings in her weekly reports. Like reports from military personnel and pilots, these sightings are especially convincing.
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