
July 10, 2010
With the latest Twilight Saga film exploding at the box office and the books racing out of the stores, it's worth asking the question: what's going on with vampires, anyway, and Joseph Laycock has the answers! Learn the truth about... continued

Military UFO Witness Speaks Out

July 3, 2010
A phenomenal Linda Moulton Howe breakthrough: an interview with an Airman First Class ForceDale Hogan who was face-to-face with a UFO at Whiteman Air Force Base in 1984. This his first recorded interview about the incident. A little known fact... continued

Help the People of the Sea

June 26, 2010
Starfire Tor considers whales and dolphins the people of the sea. They are sentient, they are sensitive, they are emotionally complex and have good minds, and they are hunted down and eaten by countries like Japan, Iceland, Norway and others.... continued

John Hogue: Feet to the Fire

June 19, 2010
Every January, Nostradamus expert and prophet John Hogue comes on Dreamland to predict what will happen in the coming year--and every June we go back over those predictions and hold his feet to the fire! So, this week, John is... continued

The Sun, Earthquakes and the Soul

June 12, 2010
First, Linda Moulton Howe reports on the collapse of the RAF Bentwaters coverup, with 2 fantastic interviews. Then, David Sereda is not only a scientist but also a meditator, and he has been watching the sun both from a scientific... continued

High Strangeness Abductions in Indonesia

June 5, 2010
  Alan Lamers is a specialist in creating local radio stations in isolated areas, and has been working in Indonesia where he has come upon the most extraordinary abduction story that has ever been discovered. Listen as he tells us... continued

New Phoenix Lights Revelations

May 29, 2010
You've heard about the Phoenix Lights, the triangle that appeared at the same time, the debunking, the jokes and GovernorFife Symington's eventual admission that he had seen thetriangle, too. You've also heard Lynne Kitei's story, BUT NEVER LIKE THIS. Listen... continued

Scientific Ghost Hunting

May 22, 2010
We welcome popular Dreamland guest Marie D. Jones, co-author with Larry Flaxman of 11:11, back to Dreamland-but this time as guest host. Here, she interviews Larry about some breakthroughs he has recently made in his long exploration of ghosts and... continued

Love, ESP, the CIA and the Meaning of Life

May 15, 2010
Anne Strieber has a phenomenal discussion with one of the originators of remote viewing, Russell Targ. You will meet this amazing and important human being in a whole new way, in intimate conversation with somebody who knows just what questions... continued

The Matrix is Real and You can Escape

May 8, 2010
Tom Campbell was instrumental in the creation of the US missile defense system, and worked with Robert Monroe on processes of entering altered states without the use of drugs. Tom is a pragmatic scientist who has broken through into an... continued