The Dibbuk Box

September 11, 2004
The Dibbuk Box was the subject of a legendary Ebay auction. Now listen as the original and current owners compare notes on the effects of this demon-haunted artifact from prewar Poland. What's trapped in the Dibbuk Box...and what might happen... continued

Linda Howe and Jim Marrs

September 4, 2004
We listen to three of Linda Howe's most popular Dreamland interviews ever. First, Dr. Dan Burisch describes what it's like to interview an alien firsthand. And Linda has some powerful thoughts about his authenticity. Then Jim Marrs weighs in on... continued

UFO Investigator Ray Fowler

August 28, 2004
Is time an illusion? Famed UFO investigator and witness Ray Fowler has lived a life of synchronicity. But why? And why does this mysterious effect come into the lives of so many UFO investigators and witnesses? And wait until you... continued

Spiritual Change With Hank Wesselman

August 21, 2004
Most approaches to spiritual change don't do a single thing to help us. But Whitley Strieber knows more than most about what works and what doesn't, which is why our programs on spirituality are so popular. Listen as Hank Wesselman... continued

The Roswell Dig–What You HAVEN’T Been Told

August 14, 2004
The UFO crash in July, 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico has become one of the most enduring of American mysteries. In this fascinating interview, dig researcher Don Schmitt describes what was found at the site INCLUDING what was not mentioned... continued

Paul von Ward — Who Are We really?

August 7, 2004
Harvard-trained academician Paul von Ward makes the best case ever for humanity being influenced by what he defines as 'advanced beings.' He takes us on a journey across the past for a riveting new look at who we really are... continued

William Henry and Richard Hoagland

July 31, 2004
A Dreamland first! William Henry is our new alternate host, and he has a polished and absolutely fascinating first outing as he interviews Richard Hoagland with a focus on ancient knowledge with William's expert perspective. This interview reveals the true... continued

Jim Marrs takes on the 911 Commission

July 24, 2004
Jim Marrs takes on the 911 Commission and most of the rest of the beltway boys in this hard hitting examination of what they HAVEN'T told us about the most terrible sneak attack in American history. Fasten your seatbelts for... continued

Magical Symbolism with Donald Tyson

July 17, 2004
Donald Tyson is a expert on the word, YHWH, the true name of God. He tells us how this word unlocks the meaning behind astrological symbolism, the Tarot, the kabbalah, the mysteries of the Old Testament and the Book of... continued

Mayan Calendar with Carl Johan Calleman

July 10, 2004
At last, somebody has come up with a clear explanation of the Mayan Calendar, why it is so important, and how it works as a predictive tool. This interview with Carl Johan Calleman promises to finally shed some real light... continued