New Observations podcast is delighted to welcome Peter Champoux back to the show. Peter traveled to Wasta, South Dakota to speak at the recent Consciousness and Contact event. This intimate conference was the last in a series of four and brought together an extraordinary group of individuals with very specific skill sets.
During our visit to the Wounded Knee Memorial, Peter initiated healing work as he was called to do. What he discovered is profound in scope in relation to our past and the future of humanity.
Peter Champoux Bio:
Peter Champoux attributes the knowledge he brings to the fore the result of consciously splitting rock into stone in a 25-year career as a classical stonemason. Working the rock of Massachusetts he saw the angle in rock fracture matched its river confluence angle and concluded that like flowers et al the earth’s lithosphere must also express in the sacred cannons of geometry used in cathedral design to which a corresponding geometry was found in the triangulation of mounts: Mansfield, Washington, and Ascutney; pointing to the center of North America in Shelburne Falls, MA via Chester VT. He has worked with this matrix with poet-artist Harry Hudson of Chester, Vermont, and describes these early discoveries in Gaia Matrix in 1999. Peter’s first big download of this information occurred in 1993 with a focus on North America which has since expanded worldwide.
Of late he has been working on releasing the collective trauma centered around the New Madrid EarthRing a collective heart(math) action to heal the rift between N/S black/White, Native/white trauma clustered within this Integral Membrane Pluton (IMP) of transmitting and expanding this trauma into earthmind (aka, earthcell membrane). Another IMP is the Black Hills of South Dakota. An ongoing drumbeat for Peter is the trauma patterns emanating from the great pyramid. An article on that problem was published on my website.
Map images linked HERE.
Peter was present at Mateo Tipila on World Peace and Prayer Day while on pilgrimage to the Black Hills last June along the 104th longitude. He has worked extensively with Chief Arvol and Paula Looking Horse to cleanse and clear trauma in the land and Native American people.
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I am familiar with ley lines, and much of what was discussed in this fascinating interview. In looking at the maps, information provided (I have a copy of ‘The Emerald Tablets’ on my desk) , and Peter’s site, I am curious about his take on places in the Southern Hemisphere such as New Zealand and Australia. I didn’t see them mentioned at all. I would also add a large portion of South America, along with Antarctica. Is his primary focus on the Northern Hemisphere, or does he plan to address the Southern Hemisphere more in the future? I am interested in Australia, in particular, since their indigenous population (over 500 indigenous nations, before the arrival of the Europeans) has been there for over 50,000 years. My own unusual experiences included the Lakota AND indigenous people in Australia. Many thanks!
Hello Darlene,
Peter is focusing here on Wounded Knee and the Black Hills. He believes and I agree that the Black Hills are the heart of the world. In healing this the entire world will change. Thank you for your comment.
I got into direct contact with Peter yesterday, and we’ve had an interesting on-line chat as a result. He gave me lots of great information/maps about the Southern Hemisphere, and I’m still studying and exploring them. I also know more about my connections to Uluru, as well as to South Dakota.
Good for you!
As a Mason these are among the craziest and most unfounded allegations I have ever heard. You really should be ashamed of yourself.
If you don’t think that there were/are masons who used black magick to secure the power of the US (and/or the oligarchy masquerading as democracy), then you, sir, are naive.
Peter Champoux is a Mason (not active) and comes from a long line of 33 degree Masons.
That doesn’t mean this is true. It sounds really crazy. Asserting that the Masons are responsible for “the deliberate repression of human potential” seems like quite a stretch. Lots of political and religious groups certainly do try to repress human potential in one way or another.
Saying “it’s the Masons” sounds just like “it’s the Illuminati” or “it’s the Jews” and all the other conspiracy stuff that keeps going around about a small group of people who control everything on the planet.
Perhaps, having grown up within the Masons, he sees them as being more important to the path of the world than they really are? I mean, a lot of the people who have been integral to history have NOT been Masons.
Do your own research Elene. The Lakota did not build that archway at Wounded Knee.
The Nine pointed star is a symbol for the Baha’i Faith! Famous Lakota flutist and Hoop dancer Kevin Locke is also a member of the Bahá’í Faith.
Mia, I listened to your interview on Saturday with Peter Champoux and thought it to be excellent. I want to post a few comments. You mentioned the MAYAN? (very briefly) in both interviews this week. Last week on “LATEST NEWS” I posted this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrlYDpTCucY Alexandro Querevalú – Amanecer is a musician/artist from Lima, Peru. The oldest son of the family, he dreamed of helping his family financially. With this in mind, he emigrated to (((Poland))) at the age of (((18))). Yesterday a crop circle was posted appearing in Poland. Just thinking how odd that it should appear after posting his music? The Indigenous people from Peru must know so much in regards to the stories/knowledge and beliefs that have been handed down from one generation to the next. I would certainly be interested in knowing more about the Mayan and new beginnings in regards to time.
Szczecinek, Poland. Reported end of July.
Updated Saturday 14th August 2021.
‘Mysterious grain circles on the outskirts of Szczecinek in Poland. After (((18))) years the UFO came back?’
Wrzesnia, Poland. Reported 13th July
Updated Monday 19th July 2021
Thank you for your contributions here Carollee.
If we look for the signs and symbols we will surely find them.
Mia, your programs are always sooo good! : ). I learn all kinds of things. This is why love Unknown Country… Whitley & Anne are masters.
I began doing genealogy a good while ago. It has been an amazing journey. I have said.. it should be given in school..probably 5th grade and up- I hated history growing up because it was (or seemed) only to be about people who did lots of “big” stuff, not much about “regular folks, and focus was wars /power over others.
I have found the focus of persons and how they lived the everyday life … not of power but of relationship so strongly reinforced. I wish people to know that the change of focus… not power … but on relationship to planet, to people near and far in both time and space, and on why we / I am here …. can give insights which unite end broaden our understanding and keep us from evaluating “better/ worse”.. To be One is to be alike …. and to know within is to be able to know oneness. THNK YOU for your work. And also to Whitley, Anne, and Peter.
Thank you Carol!
It is always a learning experience for me to read the comments that are posted after I do an interview. In this particular case, Peter is the personification of putting one’s spiritual life into action through activism. We can not afford to sit quietly on the sidelines but must engage in creating a better future or we will have no future at all.
The interview I’ve been waiting for!!
Thank you Peter and Mia for your discipline and generosity.
The interview ended with consideration of what might be next in the Heart of this Land. Let’s see what unfolds.
Wopida. Kiitos Miigwetch Arigato and thank you.
That doesn’t mean this is true. It sounds really crazy. Asserting that the Masons are responsible for “the deliberate repression of human potential” seems like quite a stretch. Lots of political and religious groups certainly do try to repress human potential in one way or another.
Saying “it’s the Masons” sounds just like “it’s the Illuminati” or “it’s the Jews” and all the other conspiracy stuff that keeps going around about a small group of people who control everything on the planet.
Perhaps, having grown up within the Masons, he sees them as being more important to the path of the world than they really are? I mean, a lot of the people who have been integral to history have NOT been Masons.
I’m from a Long line of 33rd degree Masons here since 1620 from John Day at Jamestown. It is presented as a charity organization until you reach the 33rd degree and up then it gets weird.
Thanks James!
I was going to post a comment to that effect myself. Anyone who looks closely at the history of the organization will see that is the case. The Lakota did not build the arch at Wounded Knee. It is not part of their tradition. That point alone should make one question why it is there.
For those who would like to know more about the work that Peter Champoux and others are involved in at the mass grave at Wounded Knee, I wanted to share some additional information.
First, when a member of the Lakota tribe died, they were placed in a tree or on a scaffold about eight feet off the ground for a period of one year before being buried in the earth. This allowed time for their spirit to return. It is depicted in the Sam Shepard directed film and play (also written by Shepard) called “Silent Tongue,” which starred River Phoenix as the grieving husband of a Lakota woman who died.
Chief Henry Red Cloud, the great-great-grandson of Chief Red Cloud, has confirmed that the Lakota would never have built the archway at the Wounded Knee Memorial.
I can share that in the summer of 2018, during my first visit to the Pine Ridge Reservation, I would not stop at the Memorial because I was so upset that it was a Christian-type burial ground and totally incongruent with Lakota culture.
Henry has shared with me his own personal experience of visiting Washington DC and following the design of the city with the streets laid out in pentagrams and other occult symbols. He spent the entire day smudging and burning sage everywhere he went including the Washington Monument and the traffic rotaries that people drive around, reinforcing the grid that has been laid down and which we all feed our energy into in one way or another as Americans. His quest that day lead him to a Masonic Temple as his last stop where he burned sage at the marble sacrificial alter. Henry’s words provided an external confirmation that Peter is on the right track.
As a sensitive person, I was traumatized by my visit to Wounded Knee in the early 90s. I thought it was just residual trauma and maybe some past life stuff. Now I am understanding more. That’s interesting about Chief Red Cloud, but I don’t think there is enough sage on the planet to purify D.C.
Here’s some breaking news about S.D. from the Pandora papers about S.D. as a tax haven for billionaires, right up there with Grand Cayman: A South Dakota trust is “the most potent force-field money can buy,” in the words of the Guardian’s Oliver Bullough.
Like most tax havens, South Dakota has no income tax, no inheritance tax and no capital gains tax. But the state has gone even further than that. South Dakota allows for extreme secrecy when law enforcement comes knocking, and protects assets from being claimed by creditors, ex-spouses, or pretty much anybody else.
By setting up a trust, the “settlor” — think some billionaire wanting to keep his assets secure — gives those assets to a trustee in South Dakota to look after. The trustee then invests the assets for a “beneficiary” who is often a direct relative of the settlor. Neither the settlor nor the beneficiary ever needs to set foot in South Dakota, or even be able to find it on a map.
All three parties — the settlor, the trustee, and the beneficiary — can legally claim that the money isn’t theirs. The settlor and the beneficiary can say they don’t have the money, it’s all in a trust run by someone else. The trustee can say that she is just looking after the money and doesn’t own it.
Fun fact: the only other nation to capture an American flag is the Lakota.
If that’s not dark,what is? Thank you for that education.
Mia, I’m reading that the people of Pine Ridge are in a survival situation with the extreme weather and impassable roads. Do you know where we can make a donation that will support them as they try to deal with the current crippling weather conditions? Money won’t necessarily help but it certainly won’t hurt either.