Mia Feroleto returns after six weeks to welcome Cindy Catches of the Pine Ridge Reservation to the New Observations podcast. A speaker at our conference this past July on Pine Ridge, Cindy shares her life with a Lakota Medicine Man as she continues her husband Peter’s legacy of holding the longest running Sun Dance ceremony on Pine Ridge. The discuss the powerful work Cindy and Oceti Wakan are involved in doing to insure that Lakota children have the necessary support on the physical and spiritual level to live happy productive lives. Please consider supporting Oceti Wakan as they bring their curriculum to the children on Pine Ridge. Funds are currently needed to purchase books for their program.
To learn more about Mia’s Consciousness and Contact Conference at Pine Ridge July 23-27, email mia.feroleto@gmail.com. Among the speakers will be Whitley Strieber and Linda Moulton Howe. Only 35 seats, so hurry!
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Thank you Cindy, for sharing your life with Peter with our audience! Visiting Pine Ridge is an amazing opportunity for everyone who goes there and you have made such a contribution to Lakota youth and the entire Pine Ridge community with the continuation of the Sun Dance ceremony on your property. No doubt Peter and Pete are smiling!
Greetings Cindy! I loved hearing your interview! Listening to your voice brought back so many memories of the wonderful afternoon I spent with you as we shared from our hearts our similarities of experiences. I’m so looking forward to seeing you again. Love always, Annie from Canada
Wonderful conversation!
Thanks for addressing speaking and living in one’s truth! It is the most difficult path in life, but one with rewards, not the least of which is an ever-growing trust with with all beings and All That Is…The truth is the gift that grows, and keeps on giving…In this time when truth seems to be hiding in the dark, we must remember that it is our job to shine the light on it by BEING the light.
Cosmic, in the moments before I saw this post, I was speaking with some friends about this very topic. When I read this, it was as if you were part of that conversation–which I am sure you were. What a strange and lovely world we live in.