Big Data Analysis Suggests Common Antacids May Greatly Increase Heart Attack Risk

June 11, 2015
Adults who use proton pump inhibitors such as Prevacid, Nexium and Prilosec are between 16 and 21 percent more likely to experience a heart attack than people who don't use the commonly prescribed antacid drugs, according to a massive new... continued

Activity in Area of Toba Supervolcano

June 11, 2015
The Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has issued an alert warning regarding Mount Sinabung in Karo regency, North Sumatra, after finding increased volcanic activity. At the same time, some residents living near the massive Toba supervolcano are reporting heat,... continued

Stone Tools May Predate Known Human Ancestors

June 9, 2015
Paleoarchaeologists working in Kenya have unearthed the oldest known stone tools found to date, and say that they predate our earliest known ancestors by over half a million years. Digging by accident at a site they didn't originally intend to... continued

Will First Contact be through Alien Machines?

June 9, 2015
Britain's Astronomer Royal, Prof Lord Rees, says that if we were to make contact with extraterrestrials from outside our solar system, it would be with intelligent machines, rather than with organic aliens. While addressing an audience at the Cheltenham Science... continued

World’s First Lab-Grown Replacement Limb

June 6, 2015
Researchers have created the world's first biological replacement limb, grown in a lab from the creature's own cells. Dr Harald Ott of the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Surgery has grown the replacement forelimb for a rat, using the forelimb... continued

Human Brain is Wired for Intuition

June 5, 2015
For years, science has theorized that the human brain ran solely on reactions to stimulus from it's exterior environment, but in recent years scientists have been discovering that it instead runs a series of predictive abilities. Now, researchers have located... continued

DARPA’s Killer AI Program Could Go Out of Control

June 4, 2015
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, more commonly known as DARPA, is developing a system intended to enable aerial drones to be able to choose what combat targets to engage by themselves, without input from human controllers. However, this... continued

Doctors Agree: Roswell Slides Show a Nonhuman Body

June 2, 2015
Jaime Maussan has now provided testimony from doctors, all concurring from different viewpoints that the slides he presented at a Mexico City conference on May 5, do not depict a human body. The fontanelles are observed to be closed like... continued

Whitley Publishes a New Book: the Journey to Dog Heaven

May 31, 2015
Whitley has published a new book, this one about the inner and outer journey of a dog. You can listen to a sample by clicking here. It's out as an ebook now for $4.99. It will be between covers and... continued

Climate Surprise: Scientists Say It May Get Cooler

May 30, 2015
Global warming models predict continued warming, and evidence is building that methane release in the arctic is going to cause a temperature spike, but now a new study by scientists from the University of Southampton and UK National Oceanography Centre... continued