Sudden Climate Change Proven, Says Scientist

December 19, 2000
It has been discovered that a dramatic rise in temperature hit Antarctica about 19,000 years ago, followed by an equally sudden decline. Like similar data from Greenland ice cores, this suggests that global climate change may not happen gradually, but... continued

Chemtrail Wave Reported Over Texas

December 19, 2000
There?s a wave of Chemtrails over Texas, according to our listeners. Donald Atkins writes, "Friday afternoon(1 Dec) at 4:00, my grandson and I watched Chem/Contrails being made over Fort Worth. They made a grid going north-south, then an "X" pattern.... continued

Northeast Paying Price for California Power Shortage

December 19, 2000
NYT - Along the West Coast of the United States, the Northwest has always used the most power in the winter, to provide heat when during cold weather, and the Southwest has always used the most in the summer, for... continued

Early Spring Has Europe Worried

December 18, 2000
The stage is being set for powerful storms in Europe, due to the appearance of unseasonably warm weather there, similar to the unseasonable weather that triggered powerful storms across the eastern United States on December 16. Europe is experiencing one... continued

Volcanos May Hasten Climate Change

December 18, 2000
Volcanic eruptions are more likely to cause world weather changes than possible impacts from comets, a team of scientists announced to the American Geophysical Union last week. Massive eruptions of magma, ash and gas, which are spewing out of Popocatepetl... continued

US Weather Extremes Prophesy Future

December 17, 2000
At least twelve people have lost their lives as a devastating series of storms swept across the United States from the Southeast to the Northeast. Eighty mile per hour wind gusts were recorded in the New York City area, and... continued

Volcano Gets Worse–14,000 Evacuated

December 16, 2000
San Antonio Express-News - For the past week, Popocatepetl, the volcano 35 miles from Mexico City, has been emitting dark clouds of steam and ash. On Thursday, Popo threw ash over a 50 mile radius and sent out incandescent fragments... continued

Mexico Volcano Has Record Number of Eruptions

December 15, 2000
Soldiers and disaster workers in Mexico City are reviewing evacuation procedures after Popocateptl, which is located 40 miles southeast of the city, erupted 200 times on Tuesday, breaking its 1996 record of 180 eruptions in a single day. Officials issued... continued

Ozone Hole Shrinks Unexpectedly

December 14, 2000
In October, scientists reported that the ozone hole over the South Pole was the largest it has ever been. By November, it had reached the area of Puentas Arenas, Argentina. For the first time, a city was under an area... continued

EPA Refuses to Declare Starlink Corn Safe

December 14, 2000
The Environmental Protection Agency Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) has confirmed that genetically engineered StarLink corn poses a potential allergy risk to humans. The panel remained unconvinced by the data submitted by Aventis CropScience, the developers of StarLink, that there was... continued