Greenhouse Gases Now Seen From Space

March 19, 2001
New evidence from satellites orbiting the Earth has put an end to an doubts about whether greenhouse gases are actually increasing. Until now, researchers depended on ground-based measurements and theoretical models to measure the increase. New sets of data taken... continued

Foot and Mouth Spreads to Middle East

March 19, 2001
Foot-and-mouth disease, which has caused thousands of head of cattle to be destroyed in England, has now spread to the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have reported finding 10 cases of the disease. The Gulf states... continued

Invisible Asteroids Thought to be Threat

March 19, 2001
Invisible asteroids and other cosmic bodies made of a new form of matter may pose a threat to Earth, according to an Australian physicist. Robert Foot of the University of Melbourne claims that a meteorite composed of mirror matter, which... continued

Six Minute UFO Video Hidden in Bank

March 15, 2001
A six and one half minute video of a UFO reported to have been made by a villager living in the Derbyshire village of Bonsall, in England has been locked in a safe deposit box pending its exposure to media... continued

Ancient Inca City May Be Destroyed

March 15, 2001
The ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru is in danger of being destroyed by landslides. Japanese geologists have found that the earth beneath the ruins is shifting at an alarming rate. They say a major landslide could split... continued

Corn Dogs Contaminated with GM Corn

March 15, 2001
Meatless corn dogs have been recalled from grocery shelves by the Kellogg Company, after they were found to contain genetically engineered corn not approved for human consumption. The environmental group Greenpeace announced that it had detected StarLink corn in corn... continued

Fewer Monarchs Killed than Thought

March 14, 2001
Reports that 22 million Monarch butterflies were killed by being sprayed with pesticide have been greatly exaggerated, according to the World Wildlife Fund and American Monarch researchers. "It's been overblown," says Monica Missrie, Monarch butterfly coordinator for the WWF in... continued

New Administration Goes to Work for Business

March 14, 2001
The new administration has been staffed primarily by big business executives. In fact, there has not been an administration so deeply connected to big business and the banking community since that of Herbert Hoover, which was ended by the election... continued

Foot and Mouth Spreads, US Bans Meat from EU, Argentina

March 14, 2001
Officials in Argentina have confirmed that at least one case offoot-and-mouth disease has been found there. Argentina is the world's 4th largest beef-producing nation, and provides the beef that supplies many U.S. fast food franchises. The United States has banned... continued

Hoof-and-Mouth Appears in France

March 13, 2001
The French government has lost its long battle to keep Hoof-and-mouth disease out of France. The first confirmed cases were reported there today. France has slaughtered tens of thousands of animals that were imported from Britain before the disease was... continued