Arthur C. Clarke Believes there is Life on Mars

June 14, 2001
On Dreamland's June 2, 2001 edition, Dr. Tom Van Flandern, author of Dark Matter Missing Planets and New Comets, said that recent Mars Orbiter photos appear to show images of vegetation on Mars, and even possible structures. Now noted writer... continued

Jeb Bush Attacks Florida Vote Report

June 12, 2001
The New York Times reported today that Governor Jeb Bush of Florida attacked a report the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights as ?intellectually dishonest.? The report stated thatthousands for Floridians were deprived of the chance to vote in the Presidential... continued

Korea: Land of UFOs

June 12, 2001
When we read about Korea in the morning newspaper, we usually learn about tensions between North and South. Something that?s rarely mentioned is that South Korea is a hotbed of UFO activity. An internet search of Korean websites will reveal... continued

Gallup Poll Shows Paranormal Beliefs Growing

June 12, 2001
The Gallup Poll has recently updated its audit of American?s beliefs in a variety of occult phenomena. The results suggest a significant increase in belief in a number of these experiences over the last decade, particulary in haunted houses and... continued

Poor Diet Breeds Dangerous Viruses

June 12, 2001
Poor nutrition can lead to mutations of the viruses that attack your body and can cause you to get more dangerous forms of the flu and even AIDS and Ebola, according to researchers. In tests, deficiencies of selenium allowed the... continued

Floods Sweep Southeast, Hit Houston Hard

June 11, 2001
Thousands of people were forced from their homes or stranded on flooded freeways as rains from Tropical Storm Allison swept Houston. As of Monday, June 11, fifteen people had been found dead and more than 20,000 rendered homeless in the... continued

Brave Reporter Takes UFOs Seriously

June 11, 2001
Most major U.S. newspapers, like The New York Times and The Washington Post, duck and run when it comes to UFOs, or use ridicule as a shield against having to deal with the subject. There are a few brave reporters... continued

Unexpected Eruption of Sunspots

June 10, 2001
Sunspots are unexpectedly erupting all across the face of the sun today as the current solar max continues beyond the point where it was expected to subside. The predicted sunspot count for the height of the max was 150, but... continued

New Anne’s Diary: Crossing the Border

June 10, 2001
We recently came back from a trip to a magical city, San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. It?s a beautiful place, with steep, cobble stoned streets, ancient churches and outdoor markets. Every morning we would walk into town, peering into... continued

Glaciers Shrinking Faster than Expected

June 9, 2001
A new satellite survey of over 2,000 glaciers shows that most of them are now shrinking. Scientists are concerned about melting glaciers as far apart as Mount Kilimanjaro, the Himalayas and Glacier National Park in Montana. New photographs taken by... continued