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Think tantra, think sex, right? Wrong! In fact, tantra is a powerful, eminently practical yoga that has been marginalized in the west by our obsession with sex.

But tantra has a great deal to offer the searcher, and as a program that stresses not only information but empowerment, Dreamland is the ideal place to learn more about it.

What is it, really? How can we learn its principles and use its power to remake our lives? Marc Allen, the publisher of New World Books, has made a life journey in tantra, and has made it part of that journey to communicate to others what it is, what it means and how to use its transformative power.

 In the second half of the show, Whitley asks Marc about meditation, nutrition and sexuality, with amazing, insightful and fun results! They take what Whitley calls “a tantric swan dive” into a whole new way of looking at the world!

 Listen as Marc explains to Whitley just what tantra is really all about. You can start down a new path from right here on Dreamland this week. So if it speaks to you, don’t wait. You are about to discover something very powerful and, for us in the west, very new.

Dreamland Video podcast
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1 Comment

  1. Great show, loved the guest.
    Great show, loved the guest. Thanks.

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