Strange and frightening trumpet sounds were heard around the world in 2011 and 2012. Now they’re back, along with unexplained explosions. Linda Moulton Howe interviews witnesses, who describe these ominous sounds and the effect they have when they are heard. For the first time, Linda is able to ask direct witnesses what they feel while the sounds are heard, and their answers are chilling and sobering.
By apparent coincidence, this program is being aired on the one-year anniversary of the last show Whitley and Linda did about the sounds. If you are an Unknowncountry subscriber, don’t fail to listen to the previous show, which is also amazing. To listen and download, click here.
These sounds mean something. They cause feelings of foreboding in witnesses. But what are they and why are they happening? Whitley and Linda offer powerful insights into this mystery.
Linda Moulton Howe’s website is Earthfiles.com. Don’t miss a single day!
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Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Everybody is also avoiding
Everybody is also avoiding the word……ROTHSCHILD. ET my bottom……Boring….next subject! 🙂
Whitley read my
Whitley read my mind!!!……. Now, I’ll disclaim because Whitley has a different theory all-together my apologies.
I may as well disagree with
I may as well disagree with Whitley again. The Government does not fear the people, the Government fears the people with the power and the money!……….Until the Peoples’ back is against the wall…….then the Government and and the hidden “Government” will fear the PEOPLE because They (The People) are armed to the teeth! and there is nothing the Police or Military can do about it because the police and military are, in the majority, a part of the people……They swore an oath to defend the same from enemies without and WITHIN……….
Now that I’ve calmed down what can we do to help you and Annie….financially or spiritually?
The first thing, unreported,
The first thing, unreported, during Katrina was a door to door sweep and removal of firearms in affected areas. Secondly you have an Army that is volunteer. It has been taught how to react to mob situations. Also, you have no idea of the weapons that we have in our arsenal. You would hsve a very hard time sleeping if you did. Do not ever think that an uprising with the use of arms would not be snuffed out like a candle on a birthday cake. The reality is and always has been change comes from the bottom, one soul at a time through positive actions.
The first thing, unreported,
The first thing, unreported, during Katrina was a door to door sweep and removal of firearms in affected areas. Secondly you have an Army that is volunteer. It has been taught how to react to mob situations. Also, you have no idea of the weapons that we have in our arsenal. You would hsve a very hard time sleeping if you did. Do not ever think that an uprising with the use of arms would not be snuffed out like a candle on a birthday cake. The reality is and always has been change comes from the bottom, one soul at a time through positive actions.
The first thing, unreported,
The first thing, unreported, during Katrina was a door to door sweep and removal of firearms in affected areas. Secondly you have an Army that is volunteer. It has been taught how to react to mob situations. Also, you have no idea of the weapons that we have in our arsenal. You would hsve a very hard time sleeping if you did. Do not ever think that an uprising with the use of arms would not be snuffed out like a candle on a birthday cake. The reality is and always has been change comes from the bottom, one soul at a time through positive actions.
The first thing, unreported,
The first thing, unreported, during Katrina was a door to door sweep and removal of firearms in affected areas. Secondly you have an Army that is volunteer. It has been taught how to react to mob situations. Also, you have no idea of the weapons that we have in our arsenal. You would hsve a very hard time sleeping if you did. Do not ever think that an uprising with the use of arms would not be snuffed out like a candle on a birthday cake. The reality is and always has been change comes from the bottom, one soul at a time through positive actions.
When I heard Leanne’s dream I
When I heard Leanne’s dream I didn’t like what I thought it might be. The Nazi could be an image given to her by a grey to give her a clue about what is going to happen combine that with a coming disaster in the future and I think it might suggest a war. I hope I’m wrong.
Whitley, and Linda, any
Whitley, and Linda, any thoughts of these loud horn and explosions could be related to Phil Schneider’s story about the reptilians boring tunnels through the earth deep down below us?
I wonder why consciousness
I wonder why consciousness wasn’t entertained as possibility in understanding these eerie sounds? Perhaps only some there could hear the sounds and others there were oblivious to the sounds.
I live in the Pleasant
I live in the Pleasant Valley, CA area where the Pleasant Valley Booms are heard. I have even recorded these booms and sent a copy to Linda Moulton Howe. I have also heard the screechy, bombie, trumpety sort of sounds in this area as well. I know others have heard the sound too, because a friend described the very loud sound of a snow plow going down her road the same night, not far from where I live. The problem with the snow plow idea, is that we have had snow plows here every winter, except this one, a whole other story, and I have never heard a peep out of them at any other time. I recorded the booms last summer. That was the last time I have heard any of them.
Regarding the Greys and
Regarding the Greys and Nazis: Benny and Barney Hill reported seeing a man wearing a Nazi uniform peering at them through the windows of the UFO the night that they were abducted. What if the Nazi wasn’t the symbol of some future war, but a remnant, or time traveler from WWII? And just what if they partnered with the Greys? The Nazis were also heavy into eugenics, and from cattle mutilations to human abductions, some sort of research or genetic tampering appears to be at play. Very creepy to ponder…
UFS – Unidentified Flying
UFS – Unidentified Flying Sounds.
My guess about the trumpet
My guess about the trumpet sounds is they are caused by disturbances in the upper atmosphere near space. I’ve heard that observers of Auroras sometimes report hearing sizzling, crackling, and popping sounds accompanying the displays.
Either the Solar Wind is intensifying or the Earth is moving through an active part of interstellar space. Also, HAARP is designed to create an electromagnetic ‘lens’ in the ionosphere, ostensibly for long-distance communication. Could it also create acoustic effects?
The nature of the booms is interesting. Mostly, because they don’t appear to cause any physical or structural damage. Originally, the most obvious source I thought would be Sonic Booms caused by research aircraft. However, if you compare the shock wave of the Chelyabinsk meteor last year to these other reports (pun intended), the Russian event caused massive damage while the booms heard in Canada which seemed very loud caused little, if any damage on the ground,
some of those noises remind
some of those noises remind me of NASA’s recordings of planetary sounds… not sure how they GET those sounds, but some of them are very strange.
some of those noises remind
some of those noises remind me of NASA’s recordings of planetary sounds… not sure how they GET those sounds, but some of them are very strange.
Sound is a longitudinal wave
Sound is a longitudinal wave of pressure variations: a mass of air molecules pushing against adjacent air molecules which push against adjacent air molecules as it propagates from its source. A trumpet sound or metallic scraping sound is just a particular set of frequencies–all superimposed on each other, to give that sound its particular character. There has to be a source that is pushing the air molecules around to generate the sound. If the sound is transmitting enough energy to shake a house, there is clearly a lot of energy at the source (and resonant frequencies involved). Perhaps it is caused by tectonic plates sliding and scraping under the earth. The sound is emitted by the vibrating earth (kind of like a speaker woofer) and propagates through the atmosphere. Perhaps the sound is reflecting off the different layers of the atmosphere producing standing waves much like those you can make in a bottle by blowing across the opening. Perhaps there are other more bizarre explanations for the energy that is being released such as a wormhole opening or an alien propulsion technology or what not. Perhaps it is something as prosaic as an atmospheric phenomenon caused by global warming where a cold air mass and warm air mass collide and produce a sudden energy transfer (not as intense as a lightning clap but something that could produce these sounds). In any case, the sound itself is just the simple result of a source that is vibrating. The mystery of the sound is (obviously) not so much the sound but the source. Given the ominous feelings people have about the sounds, perhaps there is some deep seated memory of this sound in our collective unconscious. Perhaps it presages earth changes we have experienced in the past: catastophobia. (Then again, my dog is scared of the sound of the garbage truck–and thunder). It sounds like a fun research project for a bright high school kid. Step 1: collect as much data as you can. Whatever it turns out to be, have joy. Our true nature is immortal.
HAARP was supposedly shut
HAARP was supposedly shut down last year, temporarily, and they are searching for a new contractor to run the program. These booms and sounds are probably not related to HAARP at all.
If I just follow my instincts on this one, I have to say that our planet is producing these highly strange sounds, although Whitley’s theory of colliding dimensions or realities is highly possible. On a metaphysical level, perhaps Gaia is in the throes of giving birth to a new world. (Honestly, I don’t know where that last sentence came from! Seems aerie-faerie, even to me!) Hmmm…
Regarding how the witnesses observed a lack of interest in the sounds by neighbors: Maybe they did hear them, but showed no interest due to out and out fear. I also find it telling that the witnesses did not bother to even ask their neighbors about if they had noticed the sounds too. I remember in December 2001 that I was home alone and my son and his dad were off at Boy Scout Camp. It was early evening, and the sun had not set. All of a sudden my house began to shake and the dishes were even rattling in the cabinets. The noise was intense and I sensed that a helicopter was directly over my house. I peeked through the blinds at my back yard, and sure enough, an Army helicopter was hovering very low over my back yard. It was so low that I could even see that the side door was open and I could see the figure of a soldier standing in the opening. ( I have a very large back yard, by the way) I was already planning my own escape if it landed or anyone attempted to drop a ladder or rope to the ground. After a few moments, the copter left. I went out into my front yard and noticed absolutely no one outside checking out this odd event, and there is no way that the neighbors could not have noticed the noise or that copter hovering very low over my back yard. Stranger still, I never spoke of this to any of my neighbors, but I did feel that I should not do that. When my son and his dad returned a few days later, I forgot to mention to it until they had been home for a day or two. I should mention that I did not feel terrified at all, but I did feel a need to have a plan to get out of my house in case the copter landed. Screen memory? (NO missing time either) Who knows, but that is what came to mind while listening to the witnesses in the interview.
Strange days…
Lorem makes some interesting
Lorem makes some interesting points. I also suspect that the sounds may be natural earth phenomena. What they presage is obviously the crux of the matter.
I came across an interview with senior Lockheed Martin research scientist Boyd Bushman. He referenced Texas Instruments – the first I’ve heard – which helps make the connection with my ex-navy uncle and his work on the integrated circuit there. While the interview isn’t directly connected to the current Dreamland program, it makes me realize how much of the “natural” world we don’t yet understand:
The interview with “Leeanne”
The interview with “Leeanne” appears to be the same one from February 2013.
I just posted this under The
I just posted this under The Weekender, ‘The Power of Sound’ and although redundant, it is also relevant to this thread of conversation:
A mystery, for sure! While we are at it, has anyone else noted the odd similarities between the sounds from ‘War of the Worlds from 2005:
And the sounds heard in Kiev in 2011?:
They are not exactly alike, but both sound like a brass section. Coincidence? I remember watching the movie when it was in theaters and thinking that was one creepy sound that took on even more creepiness as the movie progressed and we discovered the agenda of the alien invaders. Are we victims of some kind of brainwashing or mind control experiment to gauge our reactions? And is it only a coincidence that Kiev and the rest of Ukraine are in the midst of violent anti-government protests as I write this?
So many questions, and no answers. I do feel that this is more related to Earth than something from outside, but that is just a feeling. We can speculate until the cows come home, but we don’t know anymore than we did when the sounds were first heard in Kiev in 2011. Lots of people, probably a majority, are not hearing these sounds, ignoring them, or just flat-out tuning them out of their consciousness.
“Kenneth, what is the frequency?” 🙂
Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/weekenderthe-power-sound#ixzz2rRdnQD1a
When hearing Leanne’s
When hearing Leanne’s interview I also thought it was a repeat and if it wasn’t its was awfully similar to a recorded interview that was done before by Anne. Was it a parallel universe and time anomaly??
What do Eugene G Grossman’s
What do Eugene G Grossman’s five identical posts above have to do with this week’s Dreamland or the subscriber interview?
Considering all the crap we
Considering all the crap we do to our planet, I would not be surprised if these sounds are being cried out from the Earth herself.
Aerie-faerie or not Cosmic
Aerie-faerie or not Cosmic Librarian (and different drum), I felt a similar type of communication (I can’t think of a better word) from Gaia on two occasions during a state of heightened awareness/oneness during meditation. There was a feeling of deep sadness/suffering that went along with this, almost as if she is undergoing an unwanted change that has been forced upon her. Additionally, I think there are many who have received this same communication.
The impression I get from our
The impression I get from our Earth Mother during these communications (though there’s no way I personally would ever know) is more like Labor Pains…
I live in an area where there
I live in an area where there is a lot of gas drilling going on. Coincidentally, after listening to this show Friday night, I went outside with my dog and happened to hear some tonal noises, similar to the trumpet sounds. The drilling sounds are always present especially at night, as the sounds seem to carry a lot better at night. The nearest active drilling rig is several miles away, I would say 5 – 10 miles. Also, I have heard some screeching sounds at night coming from pumpjacks. As much drilling as there is all over the country right now, I think I would check to see if there are any rigs in the vicinity.
I grew up in deep South Texas
I grew up in deep South Texas where there was a lot of oil and gas drilling, and pump jacks were ubiquitous in the landscape. My dad, as a matter of fact, worked on injection wells—so, the oil industry has been doing this for a long time, right or wrong. My grandfather and uncle were also employed in the industry, so it is safe to say that I am very familiar with the sounds of oil production. Also, parts of south Texas are pretty remote and quiet, so sounds carry very well. I never, ever, heard sounds like what these witnesses describe, nor what I have heard on the YouTube videos of the trumpet sounds in Kiev or Switzerland. Take a close listen to the entire video of the Kiev incident, and also listen for the entire 11 minutes. As the video progresses the sounds gradually diminish as if the sounds are moving away from the location of the person filming it.
Anne, I can hear a marked
Anne, I can hear a marked improvement in your voice on this episode! Did something change for you in the past week or so?
I think these sounds tell us
I think these sounds tell us that we, the planet and our place in the universe has been changed, altered in some way. Something is not quite right – we, our earth is out of kilter – off center somehow. Doesn’t it feel like that to most everyone??? That is everyone who is sensitive enough??? Because I don’t think everyone hears these sounds.
great interview, You always
great interview, You always bring the best! Nice to be updated lol.
As a fan and producer of
As a fan and producer of electronic music, I can tell you that the sounds on the Kiev tape and others that are available to be heard on the internet COULD be produced on current electronic music equipment. That is not to say that they have been, but there is nothing about them that is particularly strange from a tonal perspective. For me, the interesting part here is why some people are hearing them and their next door neighbors are not. Could this be some sort of test of directed sound equipment on unknowing subjects? If so, what would be the motive?
I can relate to the report of
I can relate to the report of hearing loud booming sounds and others not hearing them. We live in Washington County, Arkansas, and I’ve heard the booms many times, mostly in 2012 and 2013. They have always been during daylight hours, and one time in particular that I remember was on a Sunday afternoon. The noise was so very loud that I assumed there had been an explosion at a now-closed gravel mine only a few miles from here. I even called the sheriff’s office to ask about it. They knew of nothing. I never see anything about it in the local newspaper. Haven’t heard them in over a year now. Is there anywhere to report these sounds when they are heard? Calling the local law enforcement isn’t useful in terms of expecting that we’ll see a report locally.
It might be instructive to
It might be instructive to have some professional brass players listen to the trumpet sounds and give their opinions.
The one thing that has made
The one thing that has made me feel unsafe about UFOs is the possible NAZI connection. The noises could be the magma rising in temperature. If volcanic activity is increasing there should be some expansion noise.
I wonder if any native
I wonder if any native peoples would have observations regarding the loud trumpet noises…
Hmm Cosmic reminded me of a
Hmm Cosmic reminded me of a small quirk regarding ‘The Interrupted Journey’ with Betty and Barney. I read ‘The Interrupted Journey’ I couldn’t find any reference to Nazis at all. Cover to cover twice and if it is there I couldn’t see it. Has that become a modern myth? Maybe it was cut from later editions.
If I had advance knowledge, perpetuated by a secret lineage , of cyclic reset, I’d make sure I used it to my advantage, though that would mean ensuring that the fairest folks I knew would get a heads up too, while my enemies… well…..
Just how do you outrun a 2000ft Tsunami travelling a the speed of sound?
Think of the mouthwatering temptation to not tell the Mother-in-Law (or ex’s dear Mama)……….. my God…
Also, quickly, this has been
Also, quickly, this has been doubly odd. I recalled hearing it before but am experiencing many of the same phenomenon, as described by Leanne, at the moment.
Haven’t seen them standing before me but flashing light and shapes moving to the side of me are getting stronger. It’s so obvious that someone is moving around that only a fool would dismiss it.
I’m convinced that we are getting near a crossing point for us all and these ‘others’ are reminding us not to be afraid, as the crossing is swift and a blessing.
A whole worldly population crossing at the same time. What an amazing time to be alive and experiencing all this. New bodies have been prepared for some.
I doubt there’s one for me but I’ve seen someone I know in a new body and was surprised to see this lovely person wearing a wig, head tilted slightly to their right, in a gentle kind of way..
Such beautiful blue eyes. It was like gazing at our Mother Earth from space… a dazzling electric blue orb, suspended in loving void.
I still suspect HAARP because
I still suspect HAARP because the sounds aren’t propagating normally but sometimes are focused down in a certain spot. HAARP works on focusing either a wide or narrow area by triangulating the interference zone for the different signals merging. I think it is testing the GPS locating of the targeted area on a global basis. The sounds, mechanical threatening and evil harmonizing are borrowed from Hollywood. They’re tuning up their Project Bluebeam deception for Lucifer’s NWO Illuminati global takeover. Nations will be dissolved as irrelevant and no need for separate accounting.
From what I understand, HAARP
From what I understand, HAARP can be used (amongst other things) for remote subterranean imaging…if that is the case, the question then becomes “What is it they are interested in seeing, below the ground, in the positions that the these sounds are being heard?”.
I wish Omm Sety had said
I wish Omm Sety had said exactly where the “library” was – His Majesty Sety Ist said that he did not want it found – but, is what is happening, described in those ancient records? I think that Omm Sety was told much more than she revealed before she crossed over to Amenti. Sety the 1st lived 3000 years ago, and he told “Bentreshy” (Dorothy Eady (aka Omm Sety) that the records in the old library were ancient to him. Just food for thought.
Whitley, perhaps William (Henry) might wish to add his thoughts on this subject as well.
Charles, are you the long
Charles, are you the long time subscriber Charles? Over ten years now? ‘Book review’ Charles? If so, great to see you again…
Was there any FRACKING in the
Was there any FRACKING in the area?
I find it interesting that
I find it interesting that these sorrowful sounds were first recorded in Kiev, Ukraine, and that country is now in a violent political upheaval….hmm.