Too many Bigfoot researchers prefer to ignore the high strangeness aspects of the phenomenon because they’re after mainstream credibility, so the other incredible events that often go along with these sightings are frequently ignored. Despite this, Bigfoot witnesses often report glowing orbs, telepathic communications, and time slips in conjunction with their Bigfoot experience. Dr. Simeon Hein, experienced remote viewer and director of the Institute for Resonance Viewing in Boulder, Colorado, returns to Dreamland to share a new vision of Bigfoot, presenting unique ideas and wonderful stories about the strange mysteries that surround Bigfoot, why such strange apparitions happen, and how they may relate to some recent physics discoveries.
In this marvelous interview, Whitley and Simeon discuss Simeon’s new book, Dark Matter Monsters: Cryptids, Ball Lightning and the Science of Secret Lifeforms, which investigates the connection between cryptids and secret government research projects, electrical malfunctions and UAP sightings.
And right on cue, at the end of the show, an electrical anomaly takes place!
Visit Simeon Hein at SimeonHein.com. Indulge your curiosity and get Dark Matter Monsters through us! Click here.
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1) orbs
2) throwing rocks
3) telepathy telling you to leave
4) stinky smell
5) Gifts left on one’s property
6) Signs like bent trees
7) woven vines & twigs
8) X’s on paths with tree limbs
9) oily hand prints
10) knocks on wood
11) feeling of dread
12) hairs
13) footprints
There are at least 830+ episodes on sasquatch chronicles with all these actions. Also more paranormal with sightings The Full Moon Owl Lab.
These beings have naturally evolved to cross parallel universes. Do they do it to escape predators from ‘their side’ or are they coming to our ‘side’ to forage?
They are well beyond Bi-pedal apes left over from an earlier Neolithic time.
Fascinating interview. I would like to share an encounter from a dear friend of mine. It all centers around an energy event at New Art Ranch in Texas.
I recently received this email from a dear friend. This happened at the ranch we fondly know as New Art. A year ago to the day of this event, the owner of this ranch, Bill Worrell, a much loved person by hundreds of friends passed away. So many folks were taking the day to remember Bill as was evident from the hundreds of emails his daughter, Sawndra had been receiving all day. The energy being generated by this large crowd was focused on the memory of Bill and the spot he had lived and shared with his friends for over 40 years. If you know New Art, you know what a special and greatly loved ranch this was. It has been a gathering spot for folks in this part of Texas for hundreds of years. That is a whole different story.
The four people involved all had their own belief systems that was not widely discussed until now. UFOs and the spiritual world was not a topic that was talked about much at all. As a matter of fact, it was not necessarily something any of them were thinking about this day. They were all just taking a moment after a day of work to remember Worrell. A beautiful time together at the site of Worrell’s grave. This is the email I read from Sawndra. I immediately understood what they had seen and experienced on a level I am not sure they understood until we talked.
5 22 2022
“Angela, Scott, and Sandra,
I am crazy, but this happened.
See below.
I can only write this as I experienced it. It is a true story.
Friday night, April 29th. The one year anniversary of Worrell leaving for the AfterLife.
John, Sam, Madisen and I worked all day at New Art.
About 9:15ish we sat down at the Tequila Table Tomb of 4ever pretty whipped from the day. Saw some shooting stars and the sky was just amazingly alive. It was windy. A bit somber feeling, but nice.
Madisen decided we needed to have a Tequila toast to GranWorrell. I asked her to turn off all the lights inside and we had a candle lit, windy and it kept going out.
We toasted GranWorrell and New Art and each said some things. John poured some Topo Chico for himself. Sam began telling us about the new telescope being built and how it was going to blow away the Hubble.
John was facing due south toward the river. I was angled toward the shamans and Sam and Madisen across from us. Sam was facing the river. Madisen more angled like me. John said something about the first Lightning bug of the season. I saw the light and thought (but didn’t say out loud because I didn’t want to interrupt Sam) “wow that is an awfully big firefly” and mumbled to John “l see it.“ It was blinking differently than a lightning bug and it was huge. It was more like a light on and off than blinking and it was random blinking not a pattern. It appeared to have spiraled right up out of the tree at the end of the path down at the start of the campground where the kayaks are kept. Within 20 seconds of John saying that about first lightning bug of season, things changed dramatically. It was almost like we all somehow knew it wasn’t a lightning bug. Looked like a floating bubble (not flying- floating but moving quickly yet pacing itself – for lack of better words to describe)
It was green on outside several shades of green and lighter green on inside and then yellow and at some points I saw orange in it around the yellow but in center was the brightest most intense white light I have ever seen!! –
To put a size on it -about 5 inches across and longer vertically.
It moved/floated/flew with no sound straight up the path to the Tequila Table Tomb of 4ever and for like a nano second “hovered/stopped” above the spiral (above us) and then floated around Medium Cotton and back up the driveway to the window of the studio. “Hovered/floated” for another second at the studio as if it was looking inside and back up the drive. Like it had purpose. During this time, I was trying to speak but I couldn’t. It was like I was unable to talk. I finally said I wonder if it’s going across to the Green House. It happened so quickly. We were all just dumbfounded. It was as if time was like frozen.
John and I were talking the next day and looking at the tree and the path. I said “the path -it looked so…” John said “Long. The path looked so long.” I said, “there were all kinds of other colored …” he finished saying “lights or something around.”
I said “everything felt different.” He said “it was like we were here but we weren’t here. Like another dimension. Another plane.”
It was supernatural.
I wish I was able to explain it better.
We believe. 🌀
UPDATE: I began googling this event and researching and trying to find anything I could on it. I found a book titled Orbs and the AfterLife.
I am certain this was Worrell in some form of energy or a messenger sent for him or thru him.
There might be several explanations to what this was. I can respect Sawndra’s explanation. It sounds so much like an experience that many people have had that was not exactly spiritual in nature. I say that because of the time of day it happened and the fact that it involved an “object” that seemed to alter it’s appearance during the entire event. A color change from green to orange to red is almost an indication of frequency/energy level change. The intense common picture they all remember is the fact that the center of the object was an intense white light, as one stated, “like it was a very bright LED type light of bright white”.
I had a chance to speak with John as to what he saw, since he seemed to be the first party to see it. He said it started a bit earlier than what Sawndra saw. He only saw the one color of green glow initially. He stated that it seemed like they all were stunned as the event evolved. I asked if he felt paralyzed. He said no because he was able to stand up as it left the place where they were all sitting. But, no one seemed able to move away from the place they were sitting originally. As the orb got directly overhead, they also had a hard time speaking. He stated that it was if they were in an altered state of perception for a while. He was in doubt that all that was happening was real, until the orb circled the building called Medium Cotton and proceeded to the art studio window. No sound at all was coming from the object while all of this was happening. I asked him in private if he thought it was a drone and he said that he thought it might be at first but then it became obvious that it was not nor could have been due to the shape, appearance, lack of noise and the wind. A drone could not have operated in the wind in the way that this object was traveling. John also said that he quickly changed his mind that this could not be happening and that it was not real when the object came around Medium Cotton and went directly to the art studio and hovered as if looking inside before moving off across the road to the other part of the ranch complex (the pottery studio, the bunkhouse and the Green House). What has struck me as unusual was the fact that John stated that he saw other lights during the event that seemed to be here and there in the grove where it all started. He also had a perception that the distance from the grove of trees to the tomb where they were gathered seemed so distant and distorted. He and Sawndra both said it was like being in another dimension, watching what was happening in a surreal setting. At one point, they all seemed to not be able to verbalize as the orb got overhead. I find that interesting in that it seemed that different people seemed to be reacting differently from each other and have a slightly different memory of what was happening. NO SOUND was heard by anyone. It appears to me that it was as if they all were enveloped in a field of energy that allowed them to see and experience but not follow the orb. I cannot fully explain it but I do believe what they told me without any doubt.
I would ask that no one go to the ranch. This is a very private family and great friends of mine. Just contemplate what they experienced in connection with the Simeon Hein interview. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing your friend’s experience.
The Fredericksburg area is pretty magical and peaceful. The German settlers there were the only white people who got along with the Comanche. I’ve been to the Fredericksburg area many times, and it retains that wonderful aura, even with all the tourists.
Fdcinati9ng – thank you. Have just bought the book.
I’ve also found a long but fascinating podcast interview with two Indigenous Elders in my nation (Australia), which also touches on a wide range of Indigenous culture, psychism and Yowie culture matters. Podcast is at https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/yowie-central/id1554417233?i=1000581621463
I have not purchased the book yet. Perhaps soon.
I was struck by the mention of the “creatures” feeding the woman a pancake. This is right out of fairy lore.
I would also be interested in any effects that may have manifested in the last week on our planet due to an intense gamma ray burst, the energy of the gamma rays and x-rays arriving here last Sunday after traveling some 1.9 billion light years. I have felt really weird and out of it for days, so when I read about it this morning, it gave me pause…
“The signal, originating from the direction of the constellation Sagitta, had traveled an estimated 1.9 billion years to reach Earth. Astronomers think it represents the birth cry of a new black hole, one that formed in the heart of a massive star collapsing under its own weight. In these circumstances, a nascent black hole drives powerful jets of particles traveling near the speed of light. The jets pierce through the star, emitting X-rays and gamma rays as they stream into space.”
There were few things discussed by Whitley and Simeon that I haven’t experienced. Orbs and ball lightening have been a part of my life too, and I feel that whatever environment we are in plays a part as well. I have never experienced a Big Foot or alien beings, but then those may not be what I need…Maybe other people need that type of experience to facilitate their personal growth? It would explain the wide variety of so-called ‘paranormal’ activity, the common threads, and the differences in the way that are experienced in different different cultures and locales. I think that our own connections to the natural world and other living beings (or lack of connections) play a part too.
Before it was mentioned, I was hoping for crop formations to be part of the discussion— and my wish was granted.
Dr. Simeon Hein, you mentioned, “Bev Jaegers.” Gosh, I haven’t thought of Beverly for years. Sadly, she has passed over.
Also, I am posting this because it feels like it ties into this interview.
Yesterday, Friday the 14th at 8AM, I received the Omicron booster. About 5 hours later my arm is sore, fatigue starts to set in, and I could not get warm enough. (A normal reaction for many people.) In the early evening I fell asleep on the couch, then went to bed a while later but still not feeling well. I am describing this because I believe it set me up for what happened later in the night.
I know I am dreaming but the only part of the dream I can remember is a voice, curtains/veil? In the dream I see ‘curtains’ swaying ever so slightly and a voice says, “THE ONLY THING THAT SEPARATES WHAT YOU CALL THE LIVING FROM THE DEAD IS THE VEIL.”
Simeon, you used the words, ‘curtain of light’ the voice in my dream called it a ‘veil.’ You also used the term, ‘hidden events,’ so does something hide behind the veil?
“First and foremost, the Veil Between the Worlds is a metaphor for the boundary between this world and the Otherworld. It helps us understand why most times we cannot see or hear or feel our beloved dead, but other times we can almost touch them. Celtic tales often describe this boundary as a MIST.”
So, my questions are…….What exactly is this Veil Between the Worlds? Is it a vibration, frequency, a different dimension or something entirely different? When I woke up this morning, Saturday, all I can say is I still felt OFF.
I recently read a book by Bud Megargee. Going out on the limb here but he works with a woman that channels his guide. He wrote (paraphrasing) that the “tunnel, veil” we pass through is actually our own energy field, read aura, as we exit the body into higher frequency, levels of the afterlife. I thought that was a brilliant description of what many of us experience as we expand (are expanded) our consciousness both purposefully and through encounter/NDE/OBE experiences.
It intuitively made sense based on my own personal experiences. The only veil that exists is the one we bring with us, or continue to construct throughout this lifetime. Those of us on this journey often slip through that self imposed boundary.
incredibly interesting! I’m getting the book and I’m interviewing him as soon as I can.
You won’t be disappointed Whitley. His latest book is “The Afterlife Experience”. I couldn’t put it down.
Part of what I loved about this concept is that it peels away one more layer of our perception that some greater power is “doing” something to us. We’ve been told so often that this is a school and the veil is in place to ensure forgetfulness so we can remember who we truly are. I found this idea of “the tunnel, and by extrapolation, the veil, actually being our energy field so empowering. It may in fact be that our singular aura is actually the chrysalis we need to break free of in order to fully experience ourselves and each other. I’m looking forward to that interview!
I thank you so much for this sz…….
My pleasure Carollee!
Just loved this show. I’ve wondered so often if beings that exist in a less dense form can, at least for a while, move into a denser state and walk around physically.
If this is the case then are they a mixed bag of personalities like us? People go missing, get taken, or are returned. It baffles me why some come back, why some die and why some are never found.
This is such an interesting world jam packed with mysteries. Why would anyone ignore all this?
Hmm…why are my comments only showing up when I am logged in? I posted them yesterday.
I would also be interested in any effects that may have manifested in the last week on our planet due to an intense gamma ray burst, the energy of the gamma rays and x-rays arriving here last Sunday after traveling some 1.9 billion light years. I have felt really weird and out of it for days, so when I read about it this morning, it gave me pause…
“The signal, originating from the direction of the constellation Sagitta, had traveled an estimated 1.9 billion years to reach Earth. Astronomers think it represents the birth cry of a new black hole, one that formed in the heart of a massive star collapsing under its own weight. In these circumstances, a nascent black hole drives powerful jets of particles traveling near the speed of light. The jets pierce through the star, emitting X-rays and gamma rays as they stream into space.”
There were few things discussed by Whitley and Simeon that I haven’t experienced. Orbs and ball lightening have been a part of my life too, and I feel that whatever environment we are in plays a part as well. I have never experienced a Big Foot or alien beings, but then those may not be what I need…Maybe other people need that type of experience to facilitate their personal growth? It would explain the wide variety of so-called ‘paranormal’ activity, the common threads, and the differences in the way that are experienced in different different cultures and locales. I think that our own connections to the natural world and other living beings (or lack of connections) play a part too.
Before it was mentioned, I was hoping for crop formations to be part of the discussion— and my wish was granted.
A very interesting guest and a fascinating discussion.
I was very tempted to sign up for the free 7 part Resonant Viewing “mini class” but I suspect I’m going to get spammed for the Virtual Viewing Insight 2.0 class for $297 over the next several weeks. The 2.0 class does look like it could be very good but I just detest those generic sales pages with the standard ’60 day money back guarantee’ patter and all the rest.
By the way Simeon, you need to update your ‘About’ page on Simeonhein.com and the Privacy Policy page gives a 404 error.
Anyway, my RV training reservations aside, the new book Dark Matter Monsters is definitely going on my wishlist.
Another great show. I was spell bound! Sixty-eight years ago I was treated to an incredible display of “ball lightning” spinning at very high speed and really low over my two storey farm house while I was visiting outdoors at the next farm about a quarter mile away. It was a fairly large spinning ball surrounded by red flames. It was a location where happenings of high strangeness occurred.
I haven’t finished the show yet, but Whitley, I am very interested in these negative experiences you have had recently.
Talk to us about them. We are here, and you are strong.
Fantastic guest and interview! I need to read his materials.
Thank You Whitley – Another very interesting interview!
It was sometime back in the 90’s that Art Bell was interviewing an elderly man about his life-long experiences with the people we refer to as Bigfoot. Unfortunately, I do not recall exactly when this was or the name of this old man, but he was, as I recall; living in northern Oregon where he had his interactions with these forest people.
One of the things I most recall is that he described their history as they had shared it with him. They had told him that they had been forced to leave their world when it was blown up. They (like the Mayans and some others) walked between the worlds (parallel dimensions of differing frequencies).
Art appeared to not believe what this old man was sharing … especially, when he started talking about these Beings having these abilities and he terminated the interview early and abruptly … coming back from a commercial break … and the guest was simply gone.
I felt bad about the strange way Art had treated him (not like him to treat anyone like that). I knew from my own experiences that he was very likely telling the truth, even though it wasn’t the kind of thing Bigfoot researchers were aware of at that time (Some, are still not making the connection between these Beings and other dimensions … or with the UFOs coming in and out from these realms). I regret now, not finding a way to contact this man, to hear the rest of the story …
I finally finished listening to this interview last evening. Fascinating!
Thank you for the remarkable guests this year! They’re always great but this years have been exceptional. Each one so knowledgeable and thought provoking. I feel expanded after each interview.
The world feels a bit bleak but Unknown Country continues to provide deep insights, new understandings, and hopeful conversations. I appreciate it more than I can say.