Dr. Diana Pasulka, the Chairman of the Department of Religion at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, has written one of the most extraordinary and important UFO books that has ever been published. She had unprecedented access to two people who work on UFO related projects, and brings what she learned about their work with things like highly unusual materials to the public for the first time.
This book is another and very important step in the unfolding process of revealing what the visitors really are and how it can be that what on the one hand is a nonphysical presence on the other has left behind biological remains and materials which are of extraordinary scientific value.
This is the first of two weeks with Diana Walsh Pasulka.
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well worth the listen …
well worth the listen … blows away last two weeks! got audible book already!
me too 🙂
me too 🙂
There’s still no subscriber
There’s still no subscriber download link. You can get it by going to the mobile site.
Awesome show! I have
Awesome show! I have listened to Diana in several other shows and this by far was my favorite. She was able to dive deep in the interior information because of Whitley’s profound experiences of mystery. Can’t wait until next week!
Here’s another link:
Here’s another link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vckNX_ITJU
Missing the subscriber link
Missing the subscriber link again. The version on the mobile site is 50% larger than it should be. These failures are becoming the norm.
I feel the UFOs and the
I feel the UFOs and the paranormal has always had a certain hidden aspect…
In a nutshell, I would like to postulate that there is an overlooked mechanism responsible for keeping these two disparate species involved with each other over the centuries.
That is –the interaction of us and this other Intelligence is Syncretic. Meaning that both sides enter into a third milieu and BOTH SPECIES are affected during the experience.
Think about it… The Visitors reach out to us in unfathomable ways and much of it is obviously metaphorical. Rather than we humans feeling as victims of the interaction, or mere observers, what if we are bringing our own awareness to THEM in bizarre ways and they learn from us in a way that is SO intimate, that both sides come away stunned?
My feeling is that WE are as fascinating and intriguing to them on THEIR own visceral level as they are to us.
I applaud these efforts of the Visitors (whether it is intentional on their part or not), as our new companions in this consciousness game and say that we (some of us), are ready and willing to reach out to you as equals.
Lets explore each other…
I think that is extremely
I think that is extremely likely, Cyan. It may even be the reason why we have been kept apart to a large degree, it fosters our own brands of perception. When we finally come together the differences are evident. Or, maybe we tried our current mode of reality on a trial basis, to see what direction our preferences take. Then, we may dissolve into specific castes, according to our tastes. In any case, it appears our roles have been considered previously, for some underlying reason.
Wonderful! Thank you so much!
Wonderful! Thank you so much!
Where is the subscriber link?
Where is the subscriber link? Is no one paying attention?
listening to her book and I
listening to her book and I hope next weeks talks about “downloading” which to me is a far more important and interesting topic than what this show was about!
can’t use small file link on
can’t use small file link on 1st 2 weeks now no link here at all! wtf!
can’t use small file link on
can’t use small file link on 1st 2 weeks now no link here at all! wtf! I like to download favorite shows in one place for my convenience. Very irritating!
Whitley: positively wonderful
Whitley: positively wonderful show. Look forward to next week. So nice to see things coalesce in such a nice manner. 🙂
I can listen when I use the
I can listen when I use the pop up player, as long as i have the full page not the mobile version.
Where i get stuck is in posting, the
Ajax/comments error is a horror :} I found help with Mr. Von Hausenberg in a post he did back in 2017. I added it on bottom of this post for anyone with same issue.
Meanwhile, What a delightful show with Dr. Pasulka. What a pleasure to listen to a young person with so much wisdom and most important, enthusiasm! Looking forward to Mr. Mike Clelland as well. I still save his interviews from his archived website.
I have a feeling that Synchromysticism moments will be the norm in 2019.
fix for java error:
“The java-script problem on the comments pages whilst annoying is easily corrected. In order to post your own comment, look up at the URL and delete ‘nomob=1’ from the URL. The last symbol will then be ‘?’. Double click the modified URL to highlight it and then press ENTER to reload the page. When the page reloads, you can add your own separate comment without returning an ‘ajax’/java-script error or having to resort to clicking reply to throw in a comment. Peace.”
Von Hausenberg on 20 Jul 2017
Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/close-encounters-and-faery-seership#ixzz5fjg7Cp5K
That works, thanks Lily. I
That works, thanks Lily. I was having to rely on random fortune when entering comments.
Thanks to Von Hausenberg,
Thanks to Von Hausenberg, too.
Thanks for the link Mace. The
Thanks for the link Mace. The first thing that came to mind, when he described coalescing the photons or combining them with matter, was the many reports from within UFOs, where there appears to be illumination but no obvious source, or even the report from LMH about the Antarctic pyramid, where the corridor walls were glowing.
You are welcome, Sherbet. I
You are welcome, Sherbet. I believe that lower frequencies can help with the merging of photons, just like the cold Rubidium atoms. I believe the atoms essentially represent a low frequency wave, and that the two are interchangeable in inducing the conjoined condition of photons. The low frequency wave can act as a binding agent for the photons.
Consciousness may be able to link photons in a similar fashion as explained in the video. Interconnected nets of energy may exist within neural nets in the brain. The brain may link thousands of photons together in chains. This may be one of the primary reasons why neural networks exist.
The sleep cycle is part of this process of linkage, the body experiences lower frequency waves during deep sleep. REM sleep then discharges the photons and merges them together in a dream episode, as the low frequency waves bind the energy. The synchronized energy thus recharges and regenerates the body. Coherence is also re-established in the mind, enabling learning ability. Balance is restored. The slate is wiped clean, and the body and mind get a fresh start.
I started reading/listening
I started reading/listening to, professor Pasulka’s book.
It is absolutely wonderful.
Drop everything you’re doing, and get it. 🙂
On the same subject, I came
On the same subject, I came across this today…
book is very revealing.
book is very revealing. Scott Brown admitting we can’t tell real from fake UFO footage is a scary [he’s supposed to be an expert!]. This plays perfectly into the deception. Her ideas that UFO-ology is a religion is even more scarier. Soon the lines of reality will be invisible and we either evolve or lose all sense of what is “real” or what that even means!
I am very sorry about the
I am very sorry about the issue with the downloads. It was nothing sinister, just a server problem that has been corrected. We couldn’t get a technician to work on it until today, and I was not able to reach the internet. The two downloadables were on the damaged computer.
This is such a great
This is such a great interview. THANK YOU…….
A week ago today I watched a
A week ago today I watched a Star Trek Episode and wondered if this is how FIRST CONTACT might unfold for us???
Star Trek: The Next Generation
While on a “first-contact” mission to a planet on the verge of space travel, Riker (Jonathan Frakes) is captured and accused of leading an alien invasion.
Season 4 • Episode 15 • First Contact
Whitley says this source of
Whitley says this source of hers can go through airport security without stopping. Who could this guy possibly be!? I fly regularly and don’t see anyone doing that.
Also, two separate Go Fund Me campaigns have raised around $20,000 each to fix this website and yet we are all still having problems?
Whitley says this source of
Whitley says this source of hers can go through airport security without stopping. Who could this guy possibly be!? I fly regularly and don’t see anyone doing that.
Also, two separate Go Fund Me campaigns have raised around $20,000 each to fix this website and yet we are all still having problems?
Wonderful read! I bought the
Wonderful read! I bought the book , and I’m reading a few sections a 2nd time. Inspired me to probably also read some of Edgar Mitchell more esoteric books. And there’s a nice UFO compilation from his FREE organization. I hope she writes another book, and will check out some of her other interviews. Lots on the books FB page. Photos from the Vatican included. The donation area sounds fascinating! Old rusty can and treasure to unearth.
Wonderful read! I bought the
Wonderful read! I bought the book , and I’m reading a few sections a 2nd time. Inspired me to probably also read some of Edgar Mitchell more esoteric books. And there’s a nice UFO compilation from his FREE organization. I hope she writes another book, and will check out some of her other interviews. Lots on the books FB page. Photos from the Vatican included. The donation area sounds fascinating! Old rusty can and treasure to unearth.