You’re not going to see much, if anything about this in the dumbed-down U.S. media–not because they’re trying to hide it, but because they can’t understand. But there is a reason that the United States and the American Dollar are in the trouble that they are in. It isn’t only that demand from Asia is putting pressure on supplies. Far from it, oil supplies are adequate worldwide, which is what OPEC keeps saying. So what’s happening?
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I have collaborated on a graphic novel about human mutilations called the Nye Incidents that is going to be out shortly. (If you want a copy, the best thing to do is to call your local comics shop and ask them to order it. It’s by Craig Spector and it’s from Devil’s Due Comics.)

Now, why have I done this? Most of you have realized by now that I do not think that our mysterious visitors are angels. I don’t buy into the idea that they have to be either “good” or “evil,” and no shadings in between. Human beings are not that simple, and the visitors certainly aren’t.
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The journal below was written when I still believed Michael Salla and Gilles Lorant. Lorant had claimed that he was a member of the prestigious French Institute of Higher Defense Studies, and had attended the meeting in that capacity. Salla’s elaborate story had been spun out of his claims. However, Lorant has now admitted to the French UFO research organization that he was never a member of the institute, and the president of the French UFO organization is saying that the meeting was a fiction. To see the story, click here.
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This is really an extraordinary time to be involved in the close encounter experience. I cannot remember such a time in my life, and I think, probably, that there has never been such a time before. The reason is simple: there have been UFO before this one, and large ones, but there has never been a substantial group of people capable of communication.

Since December 7, when I had an incredible sequence of experiences that I recorded in my last journal entry, I have been able to break new ground in my experience, and I am not alone.
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