Over the past few years, there have been at least a dozen people who have suggested that disclosure is coming. In February of 2016, Presidential Adviser John Podesta tweeted that his greatest regret on leaving his White House post was that he had not gotten President Obama to do this. Now, according to Tom DeLonge, there is supposed to be a disclosure event on May 16.

He does have some inside knowledge. I know this because of some contacts he has attempted. So maybe something real will happen. I say maybe. I have no way to tell for sure.
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We have come to a dark time in the history of the United States.

Over the years, I have never spoken out one way or the other about politics. This is because Unknowncountry is a home for all close encounter witnesses and everybody interested in the visitors, not just those of one or another political persuasion.

I am not advocating a particular ideology now, either. I hope that I’m wrong about what I think will happen, and that the Trump Administration succeeds in improving the lives of the elderly and relatively poor people who are the core of its rank-and-file supporters. In fact, I hope that it succeeds at every economic level to better our lives.
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Recently I had a very frightening experience with the visitors. It was intentionally induced by them and led to them backing off from a relationship that has recently become very much closer and is the treasure of my life. I was bereft, but this time I was not left in the dark about why I had reacted with such fear to what they did, or what their motives were. The reason is that I have Anne on the other side, and she offered what I believe to be an insight into the situation that is of fundamental importance.

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My wife is still with me and is changing my life very profoundly. Every so often, she will say something to me in my mind and heart. This material is extremely valuable to me. It has been life-changing and fundamentally enlightening.

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