There is a split in UFO research that has never been realized, but is fundamental to an understanding of how to approach the reality behind it. And I say reality without question. There is a reality involved. But I think that it is very different from the conventional notion of expeditions from other planets.

Let me give you some examples of how this split works by discussing the work of three people in the field, Robert Bigelow, Jacques Vallee and myself. I don’t know Mr. Bigelow but his approach is strikingly similar to Jacques’ and my own.

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Lately I have noticed an increase in challenges to my book the Key. These seem to come mostly from people who are troubled by two things: first, that it blames the holocaust for the fact that we are trapped on Earth; second, that it asserts that “sin is denial of the right to thrive.”

The technique used in these attacks is to point out the similarity between my previous work and some of the statements in the book, thus by extension discrediting statements like those above  as being just my opinion and therefore lacking the imprimatur of the mysterious.
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Back in the 1930s, there were a number of unusual events, as I reported in Solving the Communion Enigma, that perplexed the few people in the world who noticed them. One was the “ghost bomber” phenomenon that occurred over Scandinavia and concerned the Norwegian government enough for it to send out an expedition to search for what it seemed must have been a crashed plane. The expedition never returned. In the US, there were a number of incidents of descending lights, which were also thought to be crashing aircraft, but no debris was ever found.

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Last September 15, I published a journal entry about an OBE I’d just had. It was remarkable, and now has become even more so. I have them fairly frequently and I can sometimes induce them, but this one stood out for four reasons: first, it was induced from the outside; second, somebody saw me as I left the place I was in; third, I went to a place that I was able to describe in detail, and it turned out that people at the conference I was attending knew the place well; fourth, I have now gone physically to that place, which I had previously visited only OBE and had never seen in the physical before.

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