The object being commented on here by Dr. Michael Salla on Coast to Coast AM could be a discharge from the space station itself, or it could be something docked on it, either a secret craft of ours or something from another world. If it is a ship of some kind, its aerodynamic shape would suggest that it is intended to enter the atmosphere.
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When this videographer switched to night vision mode three minutes into this video, the object behind the lights became visible. This is almost certainly a genuine unknown, and a very interesting one. He reports that this is a return visit for the object. UFO returns have become more and more common since the days of the Camarillo UFO.
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This image was made by the Curiosity Rover. To see more, click here. The object does not appear to be a video dropout. It is something in the Martian sky. There are probably many ways to dismiss it, but the fact remains that if this was a photo taken of something in Earth’s atmosphere, it would be assumed to be a plane with a short contrail. Conceivably, it’s a meteor, but it could also be an unknown.
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John Greenewald has posted this photo on his website, the Black Vault, and is asking for any information anyone may have about it. But one of our photo analysts has weighed in with the following comment:

OK. This is a hoax. 🙂

My bet is that someone read about the Latoya Ammons case (See below) and decided to have some fun by ginning up an alleged surveillance shot.

It’s really easy to fake stuff when the final image is way out of focus and distorted, which can hide a multitude of sins.  In this case, the "demon" is opaque yet casts no shadow, which makes no sense. (Notice that the table next to the bed casts a definite shadow on the floor.)
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