Horror-author Stephen King is loath to grant interviews. Journalists who should really know better never fail to ask him the most asinine question: “Where do your get your ideas” The question implies that a writer can make withdrawals from the magical “idea bank” when the wellspring of his imagination runs dry. Believe it or not, for Stephen King, that may not be far from the truth. I’ve often wondered about the role of the collective unconscious in the creative process. Perhaps this could account for the apparently unintentional ability of some fiction writers to predict the future. The last few years must have King feeling like Nostradamus.read more

During the past year Jenning’s producers interviewed me a number of times, and because I sensed what they had in mind, I made, as a preemptive strike, a number of careful, highly specific observations about the UFO abduction phenomenon. All of these crucial points – recorded by ABC on videotape – were designed to underline the physical reality of UFO abductions and to demonstrate the implausibility of current skeptical explanations. To its shame, ABC suppressed ALL of these observations.
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I began digging into the Maya civilization in 1978 while on tour visiting archaeological ruins in Mexico. My investigations lasted about a year and when I returned I resolved to find out why the year 2012 held any significance.

Well, the answers came with much perseverance and I must admit the research was painfully slow and often tedious. Worse yet, it often ended up going nowhere. Then 2 years ago the light came shining down, the doors of perception opened up and I got it all in one fell swoop. At this point, I realize it just had to be that way. The timing had not been right before then.
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Mahala is one of Uknowncountry’s favorite astrologers, and she’s published an exceptional analysis of the coming year.

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:26:59 -0000 Subject: Planet Alert January/February 2005 Issue
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