The energies have been really different since the tsunami last December. Could this change in energy have to do with the gamma ray burst that happened just 44.6 hours after the tsunami This gamma ray burst was 100 times more intense than any burst that had been previously recorded, equaling the brightness of the full Moon. This burst originated from SGR1806-2 which is a neutron star and is located about 10 degrees northeast of the Galactic center and about 45,000 light years from us. In Paul LaViolette’s book titled Earth Under Fire he presents evidence that a strong gravity wave might be expected to travel forward in front of a galactic superwave and would be the first to arrive more

The energies have been really different since the tsunami last December. Could this change in energy have to do with the gamma ray burst that happened just 44.6 hours after the tsunami This gamma ray burst was 100 times more intense than any burst that had been previously recorded, equaling the brightness of the full Moon. This burst originated from SGR1806-2 which is a neutron star and is located about 10 degrees northeast of the Galactic center and about 45,000 light years from us. In Paul LaViolette’s book titled Earth Under Fire he presents evidence that a strong gravity wave might be expected to travel forward in front of a galactic superwave and would be the first to arrive more

Of course, the title of the show was Peter Jennings Reporting if only that were so. This is the story of how, once again, the corrupt Big Media has defrauded the American people, from one who had a front row seat to the spectacle.

In the summer of 2004, as founder and director of the Disclosure Project I was approached by Jennings Productions producer Jordan Kronick. He explained how ABC News was going to make history by doing a serious expose of the UFO matter for the first time on network news.
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Leonore Sweet, author of How to Photograph the Paranormal, writes: Scientists are actually starting to validate what orb photographers have been saying for a decade. The Hessdalen Project in Norway is a group of physicists and engineers who have been scientifically studying balls of light for about ten years. As of 2002, these scientists have determined the lights are thermal plasmas that constantly change shape and can eject smaller light balls. They can produce light with a power of up to 100 KW. They can pulsate and blink irregularly even when they are not moving. They turn on and off constantly and their movement is jerky. The scientists dont credit them with intelligent behavior as such, but they do say they are unpredictable and highly more