A new study has found that global warming has caused an “almost complete loss of stability” in the network of currents that weave their way through the North Atlantic Ocean, a series of currents that, if they were to collapse entirely, would result in a domino effect of systemic climateread more

Harvard University’s Astronomy Department has launched a new SETI initiative called The Galileo Project. But instead of looking to the stars for signs of intelligent life, the project will look for potential extraterrestrial artifacts in our own Solar System—and even in the skies of Earth itself. In 2017 a highlyread more

The discovery of the fossils of a sponge-like creature that dates back to 890 million years ago suggests that simple animals appeared on Earth nearly 350 million years before the oldest known fossilized specimens first appeared in the Earth’s oceans. While the previously oldest known animal fossils, also in theread more

The war against COVID-19 has changed due to the highly-transmissible Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, described as being “as transmissible as Chicken Pox” by a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention internal document. The document also warns that the variant can also be easily transmitted by vaccinated individuals, and mayread more