A beautiful ice ring–or ice disk–has just been reported to the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network. The circle appeared in Johnson Canyon in Banff National Park on January 2, 2000, but has just been reported after the owner of the photo saw pictures of other ice rings in Canada.

The disk, slightly oval with smooth edges, was slowly rotating clockwise. Slow rotation is a characteristic of Canadian ice rings and disks. The disk was approximately 15 feet in diameter.

The Canadian ice ring phenomenon could be attributable to some sort of natural cause, except that it is only a few years old. The idea that the ice rings are human constructions is hard to believe, because some of them have been in very thin ice and well out of reach of land.
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The Nemesis theory–that the sun has a companion star that is responsible for recurring episodes of death and destruction here on Earth–has been debated since it was proposed by University of California physicist Richard Muller. Most astronomers and astrophysicists dismiss the theory.

But Muller believes that the sun may indeed have a companion star, which he has named Nemesis, a red dwarf that may occassionally cause severe solar events every 26 million years or so, when its orbit brings it too close to the sun.
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In a dramatic press release, chemtrails expert Will Thomas claims that an anonymous interview obtained by a freelance reporter proves that the US government is engaging in a massive weather modification effort using US Air Force tankers that are spraying particulate matter over wide areas at high altitude.

Thomas reports that an FAS official in charge of air traffic control over the northeastern U.S. has confirmed that there is an ongoing military operation taking place in our skies. The air traffic controller, whom Thomas calls ?Deep Sky,? gave freelance reporter S.T. Brendt an interview in which she claims she was told at least 4 times to reroute commercial airplanes around military aircraft that were taking part in a secret operation over the northeastern seaboard.read more

I’m worried about the chemtrails issue. There is an element of hysteria appearing in some of the letters and stories I am seeing about this, and I think that we need to be very clear about what is and isn’t known for certain. Nobody is sure that chemtrails are even a real thing. That must not be forgotten.

There are three levels of evidence. The first is the strange contrails themselves. The second is the fact that Edward Teller, who is a very powerful scientist, has suggested that hazing the upper atmosphere would be a ‘quick fix’ for global warming.

For the full journal entry, click here.

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