Anne Richards, former governor of Texas, once said that George Bush Sr was born with a silver foot in his mouth. Blindingly wealthy Donald Trump seems to have the same problem when he characterizes Mexican immigrants as rapists. Our friends in Texas are going crazy over the suggestion that the border be closed. For one thing, there’s a popular golf course in Eagle Pass that is on both sides of it, so what happens there?

There is a flow of immigrants from Mexico to the US, and in particular Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, that is time-honored in its tradition. The first generation that arrives barely speak English. They work as pickers, gardeners, maids and so forth.
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Our magical daughter came to visit us for an overnight, and we were thrilled to see her. You can have a child who isn’t related to you by blood, but by love, and that’s why our God-daughter is so precious to us.

I vividly remember when her mother asked us to take the godparent role. We were flattered but for us it was no honorary title. A god-parent has a very serious duty to perform, but in her case it has hardly been necessary to steer her in the direction of the spiritual. She is very spiritual just by nature.
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My tubes that I have been living with since January are out! The doctor took them out yesterday, and the last one came out with a loud “pop!” Now I can taste food again, but I can taste medicine, too, and most of it tastes—well—icky.
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As I sit in a wheelchair and cannot go a foot on my own, I use sounds to inform me of what’s happening around me. For example, I use what I call the "Smoochie Alarm" to let me know when my caregivers are arriving. (Smoochie is my downstairs neighbor’s very cute little poodle mix.) When I hear the Smoochie Alarm followed by footsteps on our stairs, I know that relief is on the way!
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