I have gotten a message from my wife that I will post here in Anne’s Diary. Ever since Trump won the election, I have taken these messages seriously. In September when I asked her who would win the election she immediatley said "Trump." At the time, of course, he was way behind in the polls and this seemed impossible, so I discounted it. I then asked her, "What will he do?" Her answer was "not much," and now that he has returned to Obama’s foreign policy and seems to be having serious problems because of his connections to Russia, I am thinking that that might be true, also.
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From Anne today: "The soul is the gardener who tends the flowers of life. The weeds he leaves to themselves." I then asked, what happens when the weeds choke out the flowers. The answer: "The gardener doesn’t let that happen."

This all got me thinking about the green man, the gardener and what the flowers and weeds of life may be. During her life, Anne taught often about the green man. She always said that Jesus had a wonderful sense of humor, and to illustrate that she would tell the story of Mary Magadalene at the tomb.
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On August 17, 2015, a week after Anne’s death, I concluded her diary. Since then, there have been many incidents which have seemed to me to suggest that her consciousness is still intact and her presence is continuing. In the journal entry I just did on Open Prayer, I said that I did not feel that I should start her diary again because the presence of the dead is such an open quesiton.
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This concludes Anne’s Diary. Her first entry was posted on April 6, 2000, her last on July 27, 2015. She loved her diary, and thought that this collection of essays, more than anything else she did, gave expression to her mind and heart. Her first entry was entitled "Typical Radio Show Day," and her last, "Ghosts and Ghostbusters." She wanted her diary to reflect her life and her ordinary as well as extraordinary experiences, but did not wish to post a final entry during the time of her dying.
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