An angel has been appearing in Whitley’s life recently, and she’s brought physical healing and a healing message as well.

This is the deceased mother of the goddaughter whom I got that urgent message to contact after I awoke from my coma 8 years ago.

About a week ago, Whitley said, "I had the most incredible dream last night." He had dreamed that Amy’s mother (I’ll call her Sue) had come to him and showed him how happy she was now. She was living in a commune with a son and a loving husband (three things she would have loved to have had in life, but never did).
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There’s a wonderful old gospel tune that goes something like this: "This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine (repeated several times) then: "Hide under a bushel–No! I’m gonna let it shine (more repeats)." This refers to Matthew 5:15, Mark 4:21 and Luke 11:33, where Jesus says, "No one takes a lamp and puts it in a cupboard or under a bucket (in the King James version, it’s a "bushel," hence the song lyrics), but on a lamp-stand, so that those who come in can see the light."
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Anyone who is around hummingbirds for any length of time discovers that they would rather fight than eat. We have a hummingbird feeder on our balcony, not (I admit) because I think they need food–our neighborhood is filled with delicious flowers–but because these extraordinary little creatures are so much fun to watch.

I’ll see a hummer land on our feeder, take a sip of sugar water, then immediately put his head up and look around, searching for a rival. I used to think this had something to do with guarding the food source, but now I’ve realized it’s because hummingbirds really ENJOY a good fight.
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We’re having something unusual for people who live near the ocean: a heat wave. Surprisingly, Whitley (who grew up in Texas without air conditioning) is having a harder time bearing it that I am.

As the thermometer creeps up into the 80s and 90s, I get a inkling of what the future may be like for many of us here on Earth.

When we lived in New York, where it can get so cold, everyone tried to travel to the Caribbean in the winter in order to get some sun. We did it one year and found it a bore. We also went to Florida one winter, but discovered that it gets COLD down there too.
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