New York City got an early Halloween surprise: A superstorm!

It closed down the stock market and the subways, but that city is nothing, if not resourceful.

I remember one time, years ago, when there was an incredible blizzard in New York City–people were strapping on their cross country skis in order to navigate the streets.
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Whitley’s back pain got so bad that he went to his doctor. He had been taking pain meds that made him too nauseous to eat or drink, so he lost a lot of weight and became weak and dehydrated. He recognized he was fading fast, so he went to our General Practitioner, who gave him three intravenous bags of what he assumed was saline solution, but it turned out that the 3rd bag actually contained Dextrose (sugar water), which immediately sent his blood sugar level up to the 700s (the normal level is around 100). After taking his blood, the doctor said that he was going into diabetic shock and immediately sent him to the emergency room.
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Now and then you hear a magical story which makes you think the world is not really the way it seems to be, on the surface.

A new friend of mine told me this: She was corresponding with a man on Facebook and finding him very compatible. Here’s the story in her own words: "We kept in touch sporadically there, instant messaging each other quick ‘hellos’ and ‘have a nice days.’ I really didn’t know anything about him, other than the fact that he too had been an ‘experiencer’ ever since he was a child. I have met many contactees like him through Facebook, so I kind of tucked that away in my back pocket for future reference.
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