A weekly reading and discussion group Whitley and I are in seems to fixated on the subject of death right now, which is something that those of us who are actually FACING IT find distressing–I would much rather talk about LIFE.

One thing I learned, that I told everyone there, is that when it’s your time to go, one of your dead friends or relatives will come to help you make the transition. When I nearly died in 2004, my dead Siamese cat came to guide me–or it may have been my mother, or both of them, who knows? Anyway, I felt both presences. This time my dad had has shown up.
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I was so glad to hear that the anti-gay-marriage Proposition 8 has finally been overturned b the California state supreme court. I NEVER thought that a state with TWO mostly gay cities–West Hollywood and San Francisco–could ever have voted for such a bill, but I know why it happened.

Prop.8 was written to seem OPPOSITE of what it actually was. At first glance, it read like a PRO gay marriage bill. It seemed to mean that gay marriage would become legal if you voted FOR it. The local media was incensed, and if I hadn’t read an editorial in the LA Times about it, I might have voted for it too! This type of disinformation is illegal on Federal level, but must not be on the state level.
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Now hat I have a serious case of cancer (I go for radiation 5 days a week and take chemotherapy in pill form every night),I’ve begun to wax philosophical. Some of the best philosophy I’ve read is from Bucky the Cat, of the "Get Fuzzy" comic strip.

According to Bucky, "Life is like a can of tuna–it’s messy, it stinks, you can fit all the good bits in one bowl, some cans are better than others and every now and then a bone pops out–BUT YOU STILL EAT IT!

I’m at a period in life when a bone has popped out, but I’m still lapping up that tuna.
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Even places you’re not sure you like all that much can become "home" if you stay there long enough. I feel that way about Texas–it’s not a place that fits the way I think, but I made lots of good friends there and I miss them all terribly.

I was reminded of this when I read that Cicely Tyson just won the Tony for starring in "The Trip to Bountiful" on Broadway, a movie that garnered the great actress Geraldine Page an Academy Award in 1985. I was lucky enough to hear the playwright, Texan Horton Foote, speak when we lived in Texas.
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