Now comes the last forgiveness—my mother, who killed herself when I was seven years old. If I had killed myself when my child was that young, I have wondered, would I feel guilty, looking back from beyond life?

I think that I would, most definitely. I would see that what I did created so many unintended negative consequences in my child’s life.
Would my guilt be right, though? Certainly, the consequences were very real and very terrible, at least in the life of the little girl left behind—me.
Before she died, she had instructed me that if anything happened to her, I was to go to our next door neighbors. One morning when my father was away I went into their room and found that I couldn’t wake her up. So I went to the neighbors. read more

When my dead cat Coe came to me during my near-death-experience over a decade ago and showed me that I had to learn to put my burdens down, I realized that cats have a special relationship with the afterlife. The Egyptians knew this–cats were mummified and honored as having souls. This is why I want to write about a special cat who had a dignified death.
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When my dead cat Coe took me to the World of the Dead during my first stroke in 2004, he showed me that it would one day be important for me to put my burdens down, and one of he ways to do this is to forgive everyone who has hurt me during my lifetime. But perhaps this is a two-way street–maybe even ghosts need to put down their burdens and face what they’ve done as well.
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I’ve noticed that certain people have more of a relationship to the dead people in their lives–what we might call ghosts–that others. Psychic mediums are like this–perhaps because the have one foot in each world. The dead often show themselves in what might be considered ordinary ways–which mediums are good at detecting, but which most of us overlook.

Oddly enough, one ‘for instance’ in my life has involved parking, of all things.
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