For many years, Whitley and Anne Strieber traded Valentine’s between Whitley’s Journal and Anne’s Diary on this website. Last week, as Whitley walked into a card shop to buy cards for his children and grandchildren, he reports that he sensed a message from Anne that there was a perfect cardread more

Valentine’s Day is always a big one in my life. I’ve got a lot of people to love. Anne felt the same, and many times we traded Valentine’s messages between Whitley’s Journal and Anne’s Diary. Last week, I was in a card shop in my neighborhood looking for Valentine cardsread more

Paulette Dauteuil is the former director and now co-director of the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee.  She has spent her life as an activist and has played an important role in Lakota society as one of the leaders to free Leonard and as the wife of co-defendant Bob Robideaux whoread more

Researchers in France have discovered that an 18,000-year-old conch shell that was found in a cave used by the Magdalenian people of the late Upper Paleolithic was modified by someone to be used as a musical instrument. To test their theory, the researchers tried playing the ancient instrument, and foundread more