This object was taped in Switzerland the week of July 20th. It is impossible to tell whether or not it’s authentic, but as barrel-shaped UFOs are uncommon, it doesn’t seem likely that this form would be chosen by a hoaxer. It is moving very slowly and therefore could be aread more

New Observations is delighted to present this discussion with four attendees from the conference on Consciousness and Contact from July 23rd through the 27th, 2020 in Wasta, South Dakota.  Due to the virus, several of our speakers were replaced at the last minute with other amazing presenters.  Highlights include Elanaread more

Ray Grasse is a Chicago-based writer, musician, photographer, and astrologer. He worked for ten years on the editorial staffs of Quest Books and The Quest magazine, and has been associate editor for The Mountain Astrologer magazine since 1998. He received a degree in filmmaking from the Art Institute of Chicago underread more