Halloween is coming. But for some of us, it never leaves…. Tina Sena has had a number of high strangeness experiences in her life, but perhaps none as bold and obviously Hollywood as the time the street went dark, the people around her disappeared, and a werewolf showed up. Whenread more

This is, without question, one of the most powerful and convincing close encounter interviews that has ever been done on Dreamland. Paul Sinclair has been on the show before talking about his research into UFOs, close encounters and the uncanny in his home area of Yorkshire in England. Here, heread more

One month after the U.S. Department of Defense issued similar guidelines, Japan’s Ministry of Defense has issued official protocols for Japanese defense personnel to report encounters with UFOs. The instructions were announced by Defense Minister Tarō Kōno on September 28, urging members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) to recordread more