Kevin J. Briggs is a man on a mission to do no less than facilitate a contact moment at the United Nations sometime in 2020. But why does he think he will succeed in getting the visitors to appear when so many others have tried and failed to do this?read more

Why are Bigfoot witnesses surrounded by the same strangeness that plague UFO experiencers? This episode explores these mysteries with researcher Timothy Renner. He’s an author, artist, musician, podcaster and Bigfoot researcher with a focus on his home state of Pennsylvania. Why does the researcher become part of the research? Timothyread more

Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new, energy efficient electrochemical-based device that can capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the chief ingredient in anthropogenic-caused global warming. This new device operates much like a battery, in that it can absorb carbon dioxide from air that is pumpedread more