A diminutive Goblin lurks in the cold, dark recesses of the heavens, far past the icy blue depths of Poseidon, and even deeper into the void than the abode of Hades. And, according to the explorers that discovered this strange entity, the millennia-long journey into the abyss that this Goblin takes suggests that a resolution to an even deeper mystery — that of the elusive Planet Nine — may one day be solved.
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After analysis, we are unable to find any explanation for the shadow that appears moving from right to left across the top of this video. The windows in the background were either closed or (the dormers) cannot be opened. The shadow is not an insect near the camera lens. It is not smoke. It is, in fact, not anything that we are able to identify. We grade this video A–Probably Authentic. The shadow appears in the video of Linda Moulton Howe’s regular weekly live YouTube broadcast for October 3, 2018.
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We often hear a great deal from weather experts about how extreme weather is being made all the more intense by the rise in climate change, especially when it comes to events such as hurricanes, but we’re rarely given the chance to see just how much global warming is actually contributing to any given weather event. However, using composite maps from resources such as nullschool.net, we’re presented with a visual representation of how storms such as Hurricane Florence can change the temperature of the ocean’s surface as it passes overhead, to give us an idea how much energy is imparted to the storm.read more