Despite being separated by over 5 million years on our respective evolutionary paths, it appears that nearly 90 percent of the gestures human children use to communicate are shared with those used by chimpanzees. Lacking the capacity for complex verbal speech, the great apes employ a non-verbal language made up of hand and body gestures, whereas humans have well-developed part of the brain called "Broca’s area" that enables us to speak. But before a human child learns to speak a language, they appear to use an ancient gestural language that our ancestors used to communicate with one-another.
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First, Linda Moulton Howe returns with the monthly Howe Report. This month, she tells us the inside story of the Solar Observatory shutdown and the probability that the claim that this occurred because of a child pornography investigation may not be the whole story. Linda will be with us once a month with a half hour report, and will appear whenever events warrant. We’re glad to welcome her back!
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