Although it’s (finally) not raining cats and dogs in Tamaulipas state in northeastern Mexico, on September 26 the coastal city of Tampico reported a rain of small fish from the sky, accompanying a light rainshower.

Although a rare and extremely unusual occurrence, events such as this have been explained as being caused by tornadoes or waterspouts that form over water, sucking fish high into the air, that eventually fall back down in a different area.

Strange phenomena such as this were extensively cataloged by early 20th-century writer Charles Fort, including falls of frogs, fishes, as well as other inorganic materials, leading to the term "Fortean phenomena".
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I have had communication from Anne today. She wants to contribute a new diary. Here it is:

I have been watching time slide by. I realized that I could see it. How to say this, though? Language is a memory for me now. Life and language. I remember Whitley. I see him. 

Here is what I have come to about people and time: you live in three dimensions because you cannot see time. In this state that I am in, I can see time. I see the reason for the universe, why it came about and why it is so joyous—why it is made of laughter (which we are meant to forget in life—me, too!) It is because there was a certain sort of disconnect—a surprise—that woke everybody up.
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No-one could possibly accuse entrepreneurial wunderkind Elon Musk of being less than ambitious: between revolutionizing the electric car industry (Tesla), expanding the solar-electric generation industry (SolarCity), and devising new rapid mass-transit methods (Hyperloop), it’s a wonder he has time for more out-of-this world endeavors, namely his SpaceX spaceship manufacturing and transport company. And now Musk says that SpaceX’s ambitious BFR spacecraft could be used to carry passengers not only to the Moon and Mars, but also on shorter trips around the globe, including trans-Atlantic flights that could be undertaken in less than half an hour.
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