The lights recorded in this video appeared over Murietta, California, a few miles east of Camp Pendleton north of San Diego. Similar lights appeared in the same area a year ago. To see that video, click here.

Orange orbs are commonly seen up and down the US West Coast, often rising up out of the Pacific Ocean. Of course, because these appeared over a military base, they could always be flares. While there was an exercise taking place at Camp Pendleton on June 18, military authorities would not state that these were flares. The ones from a year ago appear more like a flare pattern.
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This brief documentary, suppressed back in the 1960s, has resurfaced. The honesty of this witness was just too obvious for the authorities to tolerate. You watch her talking and describing what she has seen, and you cannot really deny that she is telling the truth. It was an amazing sighting.
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These two images taken from a recent release of NSA documents describe a persistent UFO event. Note that there is not the slightest indication of any skepticism, and anything that might have been analytical or supportive of the fact that the sighting involves unknown objects is redacted.

The media and the scientific community follow NASA and the USAF’s false claims that they don’t see anything of significance in the UFO phenomenon because, even though by now both must know that those claims are lies, they have invested too much ego to admit that they were duped. So matters continue as they are, with no serious scientific study and media coverage that is, quite frankly, stupid.
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A number of groups monitor footage from the ISS. One of these is Secure Team, and this time they have captured something quite unusual. We really do not have an explanation for this footage. Unfortunately, because it is impossible to tell how far away the object is, or even whether or not it is a reflection, it must be classified simply as unknown. Your Out There editor’s instinct is that it is a physical object of some kind, possibly even a craft of unknown origin. In any case, a very interesting capture.
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