It turn out that what causes menopause in women is men. Men have a version of it too, but women are usually the ones with the annoying hot flashes. Although couples often have temperature disputes, for females menopause is part of the "third act" of life. Evolutionary geneticist Rama Singh thinks that menopause is actually an unintended outcome of natural selection. She theorizes that, over time, human males have shown a preference for younger women in selecting mates, stacking the Darwinian deck against continued fertility in older more

The thinning of the north polar cap has been a concern of scientists for years, but this summer it appears that the ice is thinning fastest at its center, right around the pole itself. This is unexpected and unprecedented and could lead to an ice-free arctic much sooner than expected. Most scientists did not expect such an event to take place for another 10 to 30 years. The more open ocean there is over the arctic, the less heat is reflected and the more methane is released from underwater methane hydrates and melting permafrost. Methane is 30 times more efficient a heat trap than more

The atomic bomb testing of the Cold War years may be long over, but it turns out that some unexpected good has come of the radiation they left behind: it may help put the poachers of elephant tusks and rhinoceros horns in jail, and stop this horrific illegal trade. The reason is that faint trace elements from the bomb tests have worked their way up the food chain into the bones, teeth, tusks and hair of animals, including animals whose remains are now illegal to trade. To know whether or not a tusk is illegal, its age must be determined, and measuring their radiation signatures can pinpoint this age of these tusks to within an accuracy of about 4 to 16 months.
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This video is really very scary. I have no evidence that Michael Hastings was assassinated. But because of the fact that the government has claimed the extra-judicial right to kill American citizens on US soil without trial, we simply cannot know if this man was the target of something like the type of car hacking that this DARPA executive is describing.

Michael Hastings’ car shot down Highland Boulevard in Los Angeles, slammed into a tree and exploded. Hastings’ body was burned so badly that as yet there has been no definite identification that he was even the driver, let alone what condition he was in when he was killed.
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