For years, people have been clipping NASA footage from the space shuttle and the ISS that show strange lights and moving objects. For Whitley Strieber’s 1999 NBC special Confirmation, a NASA spokesman was asked to watch the famous STS-80 video, and said, while looking at some of the most amazing such footage ever made, "I don’t see any evidence of UFOs here." Now, NASA admits the truth: they don’t know what these objects are, and have been observing them for years. One has to ask, what about the footage that HASN’T been released to the public?
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This object was videotaped over Colombia on January 11. It displays intricate and impressive detail, but which is blurred in a manner that suggests that it may not be a computer graphic, which would have sharper edges, but is rather an actual object being recorded from a distance. If this is the case, then this is an unusually detailed daylight video of an unknown object.
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This is a genuine unknown. The object appears very briefly, traveling at high speed. It is NOT the jet producing the contrail, but an object that flies from right to left across the window of the jet, between 14 and 15 seconds.
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Originally, your Out There editor wrote: "At first, this appears to be a flock of birds, but it isn’t a flock of birds. First, each object is independently lit by a light powerful enough to produce significant illumination in a sunlit sky. Second, there are no wing flapping motions. However, the objects do appear to be gliding on thermals, or they are being maneuvered to present this appearance. These are genuine unknowns, and very strange ones."
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