The Republican party of the past, the Grand Old Party of patriots and business people, is gone. It has been replaced by a party of demented revolutionaries who will bring incredible suffering to every household in America and much of the world, and spark a backlash that will sweep Republicanism away entirely, and along with it much that has contributed to the prosperity and success of the United States.
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The all-time classic Communion audiobook as read by Roddy McDowell. It joins Majestic and the Secret School in our growing collection of Whitley Strieber audiobooks. You can download part one from it from the Special Interviews section or navigate to Whitley’s Room and click on "Audiobook" in the subject cloud to the right, to find all parts of all three audiobooks. All audiobooks are Copyright ( C) Walker & Collier, Inc., and are available for your personal use only. They may not be uploaded to the more

In summer, people in certain parts of the Midwest expect to see Monarch butterflies, but they’re becoming scarce. Experts think that this is because farm fields are now planted with genetically-modified corn and soybeans that are resistant to the herbicide Roundup, so farmers to spray the chemical over the entire crop in order to eradicate weeds. But when they do this, they also kill off the milkweed, which is the butterflies’ favorite food.
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Will something like this ever happen? Researchers are honing in on the development of what may be the first oral contraceptive for men. Since it turns out the women actually want sex more than men do, this is a good thing to know.

Researchers found that low doses of a drug stopped sperm production in mice with no apparent side effects. And crucial for a contraceptive, normal fertility was restored soon after drug administration was terminated.
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