If there’s one thing we’re all entangled with, it’s our skin, and this valuable outer covering may eventually be able to help us to find cures that will save our lives in many different ways, from curing cancer to repairing our spinal cords so paralyzed people can walk again. How? Stem cells! We are learning more and more new ways to heal ourselves–and our planet (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).

Our skin is the largest organ on our body and it’s also one of the few organs that we are able to lose pieces of since it (mostly always) regenerates. It also contains a number of different types of stem cells, which are are less likely to be rejected since they are from the donor’s own body (unlike stem cells taken from embryos).
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Is this good or bad? – It’s not only dolphins and whales that are in trouble–land animals are too (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Hunters couldn’t get the right to slaughter dolphins and whale hunts are being limited, so now they’re trying to kill wolves. A recent political candidate even boasted about shooting them from a helicopter! Without these predators, the deer population will explode, bring many new cases of lyme disease.

Wolves were once almost poisoned to extinction by farmers protecting their livestock, but since they were added to the Endangered Species list 20 years ago, they are making a come back and farmers are seeking the authority to start killing them again.
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In Whitley Strieber’s dynamic new Journal, he clearly thinks that when it comes to today’s political candidates, we’re entangled in something that stinks. He concludes: “We need smart, capable and independent candidates whose focus is on the American people, not on how to further exploit the American people, whatever ideological window dressing they may choose to put on it.” If you love Anne’s diaries and Whitley’s journals, support this site: Subscribe today!

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Since my discovery, after my close encounter, that the US government was engaged in a massive program of lying and denial, I have not taken much interest in conventional politics. My interest has been directed toward finding out why it has chosen this route, and in my new nonfiction book, coming out next year, I am going to lay out exactly why this coverup has taken place, and what is needed to change the situation.
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