Western civilization is in the doghouse. Its popularity among intellectuals has dropped to an all-time low. To the far left, it’s invalidated by its historical prejudices. To the far right, it’s annoyingly insistent on freedom for all–even the far left.

Politicians give lip-service to freedom, but the enormous government bureaucracies that are characteristic of the developed world would prefer to replace choices with rules, which is actually a decivilizing process.

The most repressive western governmental bureaucracy was the National Socialist state of Germany. Under the Nazis, the rules even entered the bedroom.
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Even though they work for your friends – Lots of us are entangled in a conundrum that’s giving us a fear of food. Ever notice some people seem to eat anything they want and never gain a pound, while others seem to gain weight just by looking at fattening foods? Does the diet that works for a friend not work for you?
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Which is more stressful? – Before you become entangled, ask yourself: What’s love got to do with it? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Think marriage is stressful? New studies show that NOT being married (or in a committed relationship) is even MORE stressful. But falling in love comes at the cost of losing two close friends.
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Humans aren’t the only ones who find themselves entangled in a dancing democracy–it turns out that bees do too–and they do a quantum dance (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). But since 2006, 20 to 40% of US bee colonies have died out. Has the cause of this finally been identified?

When honeybees seek a new home, they choose the best site through a democratic process that humans would do well to emulate. Biologist Thomas Seeley as documented the elaborate decision-making process that honeybees use when they make the life-or-death choice of a new nesting cavity.
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