The rocky road – If space travel is in our future, we need to learn how to identify and avoid the “rocks” in the “road.” Somebody else seems to be doing it right now, so we should be able to as well. China is monitoring meteors as well.

New research from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope reveals that asteroids somewhat near Earth come in assorted colors and compositions. Some are dark and dull, others are shiny and bright. Physicist David Trilling says, “These rocks are teaching us about the places they come from. It’s like studying pebbles in a streambed to learn about the mountains they tumbled down.” And if we know where they came from, we can figure out where they’re GOING (that is, if they’re going to impact the Earth).
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We’re doing it the wrong way – A senior SETI astronomer says that we are trying to communicate with other intelligent life forms in the wrong way–maybe we should be searching for thinking machines rather than biological life forms.

Researcher Seth Shostak says we are assuming that extraterrestrial intelligence can be found in worlds like ours, with liquid water and gaseous atmospheres. But the development of artificial intelligence, which is the next step for mankind, may have already occurred on other worlds. In, Lin Edwards quotes Shostak as saying that we may be “chasing a very short-lived prey.”
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Famed crop circle researcher Colin Andrews has discovered abizarre and well documented story about an event that tookplace on the M-8 motorway in England in May of 2008. On hiswebsite Andrews writes:”Police witnessed what appeared to be two woman with either complete unawareness of their surroundings or a deliberate suicide attempt, not once, twice but three times. From the moment the first police units arrived things did not seem normal: After reports of two woman running into the fast lanes of one of the countries busiest motorways they found them simply stood there, but then things became even more bizarre.
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Reshad Feild is the author of the legendary book of Sufi mysticism “The Last Barrier” and one of the great Sufi mystics of our time. Here he talks to William Henry about the realities of Sufism and the inner nature of the Sufi journey in modern times.

He speaks beautifully about the process of remembrance and the importance of living without labels.

Reshad’s website it ChaliceaLivingSchool.

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