Another summer has passed, we’ve closed up our grills after Labor Day, and some of us are still scratching our bug bites. Is this some sort of conspiracy? Because when it come to mosquitoes, some of us get bitten more than others. And how do these pesky bugs sniff out humans with the tastiest blood? It turns out they have more than one set of odor sniffers. This may help scientists develop better mosquito REPELLANT.

Researcher Jason Pitts says, “There is a good chance that this [newly discovered] set of receptors may be specifically tuned to detect a number of the odorants given off by humans. If this is the case then it is quite likely that it will play a critical role in attempts to develop improved lures and repellents to control the spread of malaria.”
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PAINT it out! – People with portable laptops are always looking for cafes and coffee shops that offer wifi. But after the “Wikileaks” scandal, where a website recently published 76,000 secret US military logs detailing military actions in Afghanistan, some offices want avoid this type of conspiracy in the future by making it IMPOSSIBLE to use the internet at work. How to do this? Use “anti wi-fi PAINT.”

This new paint blocks out wireless signals, meaning that computer users can block spies without having to encrypt their messages in order to avoid being hacked. The paint contains an aluminum-iron oxide which resonates at the same frequency as wi-fi (or other radio waves), so that the airborne data is absorbed and blocked.
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Ever get the suspicion that someone is spying on you? There have been hints that we may soon be sold clothes and personal items containing tiny GPS units that track our movements. In Brazil, boxes of laundry detergent did this!

In Brazil, the Unilever company embedded GPS trackers in some boxes of Omo laundry detergent, as an incentive to et consumers to buy more of it. These were special “prize winning” boxes that enabled Unilever agents to find their way to a consumer’s front door and give him (or her) a prize.
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Or a lucky accident? – We’ve written about the “Earth-Moon machine,” by which we mean that the presence of the moon in its exact position relative to the Earth, slows down what would otherwise be life-destroying winds that would have halted the evolution of life. We’ve also recently received a respite from global warming. Is this evidence of God? Now a scientist thinks he sees signs that the universe is a product of intelligent design.
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