As suicide bombers – As well as the potential of cyberattacks that would knock out Western computer networks, terrorists are using their own internet children’s websites to recruit suicide bombers, especially among girls, who are faring the worst in these Jihadist battles.
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What happened When We Put LSD in It? – There are new forms of terrorism being planned all the time, but countries (including the US!) were perpetrating vile experiments on their ALLIES as long as 50 years ago.

In the March 11th edition of the Telegraph, Henry Samuel writes about the “cursed bread” mystery of Pont-Saint-Esprit in France, which caused residents to have hallucinations. This mystery has finally been SOLVED: In 1951, the US government spiked the bread in this tiny village in southern France with LSD, killing 5 people.
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Something suspicious is going on: Federal regulators are studying whether sudden acceleration in Toyotas has to do with cosmic rays. They affect the computers in airplanes and spacecraft, so why not Toyotas too?

The design of Toyota’s microprocessors, memory chips and software could make them more vulnerable to these space particles than the computers inside cars from other automakers.

On the Free Press website, Justin Hyde quotes Sung Chung, who runs a California testing company, as saying, “I think it could be a real issue with Toyota,” but Hyde quotes a Toyota spokesman as saying that their engines are “robust against this type of interference.”
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The family dog may not only be a friendly companion but also a reflection of your community’s health. And speaking of communities, there are probably lots of wild animals hiding out in YOUR neighborhood, especially coyotes! And what if you trained your dog to sniff out bedbugs so could you perpetrate YOUR OWN conspiracy and smuggle him into your hotel room to check things out?

Researcher Michael Edelbrock has discovered that dogs respond to toxicity much like humans. When humans are exposed to environmental pollution, gene mutations can lead to diseases such as cancer. Edelbrock is looking at the possibility of studying the canine population in a defined geographical area to determine how the same environment may affect the humans living there.
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