Is it natural? – Is this some kind of strange conspiracy? Scientists are studying monogamy because they want to know why couples do (or don’t) stay together for a long time. They’ve found some frogs that might show them the answers.

The first monogamous amphibian, the Peruvian poison frog) has been discovered living in the rainforest of South America. In this species, male and females remain utterly faithful. This is due to just one thing: the tiny pools of water in which they raise tadpoles prevents the frogs from straying.
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if marriage customs changed – Suicide bombers are recruited through a sad kind of conspiracy: According to promises made in the Quran, “When a martyr for Allah takes his place in Paradise, he will marry beautiful-eyed young women, will be spared the torments of the tomb, will not submit to the Day of Judgment and will have one of the world’s best precious stones adorn his crown.” Those are attractive prospects for a man who is unattractive, poor, low on the social rung (or all three), and some Islamic extremists use those promises as a recruiting tool when seeking suicide terrorists. To Westerners, these ideas seem so naive that we assume that most suicide bombers are uneducated but alas, this is not the case.
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There are lots of strange things on Mars. For instance, NASA’s Opportunity rover has spotted strange coatings on rocks beside a young Martian crater. Is this some kind of conspiracy or just more high strangeness? The crater is about 30 feet in diameter, and has dark rays coming out of it. Astronomers have observed lots of peppercorn-sized, iron-rich, dark spheres in similar craters that resemble berries in a muffin, which they’ve nicknamed “blueberries.” quotes astronomer Steve Squyres as saying, “There’s dark, grayish material coating faces of the rocks and filling fractures in them. At least part of it is composed of ‘blueberries’ jammed together as close as you could pack them. We’ve never seen anything like this before.”
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As the recession drags on, are we going to see the dead bodies of homeless people lying about in the streets (a vision one would have once expected to see only in a third-world country like India)? Even if you have a roof over your head, your socioeconomic status can affect your life expectancy.

It turns out that people who live in areas with lower household incomes are much more likely to die because of their personal and household characteristics and their community surroundings (and readers of this website know that there are genetic reasons for this).
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