Whitley Strieber begins a series of short readings and analysis of verses from the bible. If this interests you and you’d like it to continue, send him a note. whitley@strieber.com

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.read more

For our subscribers this week, Peter Levenda discusses the deeper questions of thought control and truth suppression with Paul Davids, who not only made Jesus in India, but also the explosively controversial ?Roswell? film that appeared on Showtime.

Given all the evidence in Indian cultural and religious tradition that someone very like Jesus lived and taught in India, and that the fact that Jesus sent St. Thomas to India, which is part of the historical record, why does the church so fiercely oppose any suggestion that Jesus himself might have gone there?

The answers to these questions suggest that we might have been denied the truth in favor of creating a belief system that, compared to historical reality, is sadly impoverished.
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Correction: Due to a reporting error, Unknowncountry.comstated that this event took place on Sunday, April 5, 2009.It actually took place on September 10, 2006. During asynchronized worldwide meditation, crop circleexperts Ed and Kris Sherwood asked that benevolentextraterrestrials appear during a one hour skywatch theyconducted near their home in Santa Monica, California afterthe meditation. This was successful, and theynot only obtained excellent daylight video of the object,they were able to ask it to maneuver during the videotaping,which also shows a small plane at one point moving betweenthe object and the camera. Sherwood describes exactly how hecalled the visitors inthis video.
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On the night of the devastating earthquake that struck Italyon April 6, a lighted, triangular UFO wasvideotapedover Rome, and during the day on April 5, daylight video ofan unknown object was taken by UFO witness Antonio Urzi over Milan. Urzi is one of a small number of close encounterwitnesses around the world who are able to take video likethis frequently. The video includes shots of passers-bywatching the object. There is anecdotal evidence of UFOsappearing just prior to many catastrophes, especiallyearthquakes.
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