Whitley Strieber says, I’ve been waiting ever since the day I opened his first book for William Henry to reach this point in his development. What he has done with his new presentation Morph is to demonstrate just what the ancients did to achieve enlightenment. In this interview, he tells us what enlightenment meant to them, the powers it gave them, the dangers that they faced on the enlightenment journey, and how WE can get on that road ourselves.
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William Henry has reached a new level in his work with the appearance of Morph, and in this conversation he explains to Anne Strieber where he plans to go from here. Now that he has the ancient secret of enlightenment, what’s next? Well, to begin with, you begin to see the world in a whole new way. William’s first act was to take a trip around America’s own sacred sites, the symbol-filled cities of New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Now that he understands the symbols in a whole new way, he is beginning also to understand the real occult power that was behind the founding of our country. Rest assured that it is potent and it represents the greatest effort ever made on behalf of human freedom and the good of mankind. But not entirely. There are secrets, and some of them are dark.read more

According to Richard Boylan it will…or was this just one of those baseless predictions that seem to be everywhere lately?

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

…and pee problems in space – Outer space is a busy thoroughfare of satellites operated by many nations. Earth orbits are crowded with active spacecraft, as well as dead or dying satellites. We’re even littering there! There is also the problem of?peeing in space (and they have much more important things to concern them up there).
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