Either way, it means the end of nations – The Maldives are drowning and the president-elect of that country is trying to buy a new homeland, since they can’t get any other country to take them in as refugees.

The nation of Maldives is a group of over 1,000 islands in the Indian Ocean that together comprise the lowest country in the world, only about 3 feet about sea level.

President-elect Mohamed Nasheed wants to use tourist revenues (the Maldives is a popular tourist destination) to buy land somewhere in the area with a similar culture?maybe India or Sri Lanka?where his 300,000 citizens can relocate.
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Computer spammers are still around, for one big reason: There’s a recession on and these guys are making lots of money DESPITE THE FACT that they only get one response for every 12 MILLION emails they send out!

Researchers discovered this by setting up a fake pharmacy and sending out their own spam. BBC News quotes researcher Stefan Savage as saying, “The best way to measure spam is to be a spammer?.[but] after 26 days, and almost 350 million e-mail messages, only 28 sales resulted.”

Does this mean spam is no longer working? On the contrary, spammers are sending out so many messages that a return of was less than 0.00001% is GOOD?just not as good as it used to be in old days before computer firewalls.
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If we can’t find a way to stop producing too many greenhouse gases, maybe the solution is to CLEAN them out of the air!

Researchers are figuring out how to removed CO2 from the air using technology that ALREADY exists.
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At any one time, up to 30% of perfectly healthy people carry around the bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, which lives in the human nose. In most cases, these bugs are harmless, but an antibiotic-resistant version is becoming more common, which is difficult to treat and can lead to pneumonia if it gets into the lungs. It can cause boils, abscesses, or serious infections of the skin. How can we protect ourselves?

Here’s how: First, there’s the old standby: wash your hands frequently, with soap and water for at least 15 seconds or with an alcohol-based rub. You also shouldn’t share personal items like razors or towels. Second–well,the headline tells the tale.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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