A stash of marijuana almost 3,000 years old has been found in an ancient Chinese tomb, and it’s still just as potent as the day it was picked. In Salem-News.com, Tim King quotes neurologist Ethan B. Russo as saying, “To our knowledge, these investigations provide the oldest documentation of cannabis as a pharmacologically active agent” and that it was obviously “cultivated for psychoactive purposes.”

We guess the ancient Chinese appreciated its memory boosting properties too?and we all need to remember what really happened!

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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?if you were born from a frozen embryo! – New studies show that babies born from frozen embryos (used with in vitro fertilization) are less likely to be underweight and premature. So should ALL of us use frozen embryos?

BBC News quotes fertility expert Allan Pacey as warning that “frozen embryo transfers are not as successful as fresh ones in terms of getting a pregnancy. So it may be that we have to balance the health of children against chances of success.”

If you’re pregnant?no matter HOW you got that way?be sure to avoid scented products?and take care of your teeth!

Pregnant women who use perfume or other scented products may have boys who develop infertility problems later in life?and maybe even testicular cancer.
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Legend says that in the 13th century, a pied piper played his flute to lure the rats out of the town of Hamelin, Germany (he lured the town?s children away as well). Well, they need him again: the rats are BACK!

Since they no longer have the piper, the townsfolk have set traps around instead. BBC News quotes town spokesman Thomas Wahmes as saying, “?We hope that within weeks we’ll have removed this threat.”

Art Credit: gimp-savvy.com

Christmas is coming soon?a time filled with inspiring myths and legends (some of which are literally true)! Remember: our exquisite crop circle calendars make great?and AFFORDABLE gifts! And subscribers get an EXTRA 10% off!

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?controversy about a mysterious new building in Washington, DC – A month ago, we posted a story about William Henry’s incredible revelation that the US Capitol building works as stargate (a pathway between heaven and earth), just like an Egyptian pyramid. He explains all this in his incredible new DVD Amreican Rite. Anne Strieber recently interviewed William about this for subscribers!

On December 2, 2008, the largest project ever in the US Capitol’s long history of expansion was opened to the public. The stunning underground $621 million marble and stone Capitol Visitor?s Center is a luxe extension of the Capitol, doubling its footprint. Stephen T. Ayeres, the Architect of the Capitol hopes it will quickly become the gateway for visitors the Capitol.read more